Who charges highest for parking in Dubai?


Not so long ago, in much happier and careless times, all over Dubai parking was free and available. But within the last few years the government gradually brought almost all areas under paid-parking regime.

The new trend of paid parking in hotels may have been pioneered by Emirates Towers where the first half an hour is free and thereafter Dh 10 per hour. So is in the Fairmont.

DIFC followed Emirates Towers and started charging Dh 20 per hour, but only after a full hour free parking. This was followed by a lot many shopping centers including Burjuman.

Recently, Shangri-La introduced paid-parking at a rate of Dh 20 per hour.

A the natural question might arise – who charges the highest in Dubai?

We have heard that Emaar Business Park charges Dh 50 an hour.  But we are not certain, if you know better, please tell us bellow…..


  1. Crowne Plaza’s back site parking charges AED 25 an hour, with no half hour free etc……., and even if you are only 5 or 10 min late, they will promptly charge you another 25 Dh.


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