WaterJel Critical Burn Kit


Revolutionary burn kit is set to amaze at Arab Health

WaterJel’s new Critical Burn Kit that aims to transform First-aid kit’s around the world is to be showcased at Arab Health later this month – the largest healthcare event in the Middle East.

Creators WaterJel, who lead the world in pre-hospital burn care are showcasing their new addition, The Critical Burn Kit, at the event.

The kit includes a variety of specialist dressings that use their water based gel technology, including a complex face mask and hand dressings, to treat burns at the scene of the emergency.

Recent clinical studies show that 70% of burns occur on the face and hand area, demonstrating how vital this new kit is.

The Critical Burn Kit is aimed at all types of businesses and is essential in emergency situations and for the medical support services.

After more than 20-years of business WaterJel continue to revolutionise healthcare and technology with the invention of their customer-led creations and events such as Arab Health are fundamental to the promotion of their products.

Mark Lait, WaterJel’s, Managing Director, said: “Arab Health is a great opportunity for us to really showcase our new product. The Critical Burn Kit is a revolution for First-aid kits in all types of industry and the event allows us to present our product to a world-wide audience”.

WaterJel products are found all over the world, from ambulances, fire brigades and the military, to schools and even Formula One race tracks.

For more information contact Julia Price, PR Officer at Medilink Yorkshire and Humber:
E-mail: j.price@medilink.co.uk


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