ADU organizes an Open Day


adu_3718As a part of its ongoing strategy of presenting premium higher learning to eligible students from all nationalities, Abu Dhabi University (ADU) organized an open-day event for secondary school students and their parents, as well as public and private schools principles, to learn more about the academic programs on offer at Bachelor and Master degree levels. The event was very well attended, reaching up to 600 students, parents and school principles.

Dr. Nabil Ibrahim, the ADU Chancellor, pointed out that an event such as this provides prospective students with an opportunity to learn more about the academic programs and the academic standards which the university is committed to in terms of admitting students. He noted that the high attendance rates at the event are certainly indicative of the development of the university’ academic status as a renowned and prestigious academic institute in the country.

The ADU Chancellor added that the open day activities included seminars and workshops which were conducted to help students understand their rights and duties according to the university’s regulations.

Professor James Pounder, the Acting Provost at ADU, presented comprehensive details regarding the university’s academic advancement process, and mentioned that ADU currently offers 23 programs, of which 18 programs are in undergraduate studies and 5 are in postgraduate studies, and added that the university is keen on attracting high quality faculty who belong to prestigious American, European, and Australian universities.

Prof. Pounder noted that the university is keen on creating a student-centered learning environment conducive to the intellectual and personal growth of students, and added that the programs being offered at ADU are all accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and were designed in alignment with the needs of the labor market.

Mrs. Nevine Al Shoura, the ADU Registrar and Director of Students Services, mentioned that the activities at the open day also included a documentary film about the university’s process so far and its academic programs, as well as its affiliations and partnerships with some of the world’s leading academic institutes and universities. The parents and school principles discussed several issues related to the quality of the programs being offered, admission requirements, and mentorship with the colleges and students affairs representatives.

Al Shoura presented comprehensive details regarding the admission requirements according to the requirements set by the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research. Visitors were finally provided with informative campus tours to showcase all of the modern facilities and to give visitors a feel of the university’s holistic atmosphere.


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