Problem Cellulite


So many women suffer from the dreaded orange-peel effect, yet very few know how to combat the problem.

cellulite cross sectionAt least 80 per cent of women believe that they have cellulite. If so many people have it and don’t want it, then getting rid of it must be difficult otherwise most of us would have managed to get rid off it. However, reducing cellulite to the stage where you have to go squeezing and looking for it is not as hard as you may think.

Cellulite is fat that is no longer evenly distributed, but is clumped in uneven bundles giving a dimpled appearance (often known as the orange-peel effect). It tends to form in specific parts of the body – upper thighs, knees, upper arms and sometimes around the abdomen. We tend to be more susceptible to cellulite as we get older. A key reason for this is that we exercise less. This means that we lose muscle and increase our fat deposits. If there is too little muscle to maintain our body shape then our fat deposits take on a lumpy appearance.

The other key reason is that oestrogen (the female hormone) plays a role in contributing to the formation of cellulite. Oestrogen levels change in women’s bodies each month. When oestrogen levels are very high, for instance during menstruation and pregnancy, the body tends to retain water and store fat, this causes congestion around connective tissue. During late pregnancy, hormones cause the breakdown of connective tissue to relax the cervix. This breakdown sets the stage for cellulite formation.

Some scientists believe that we are predisposed to cellulite by the genes that we carry. There is little that we can do about that, but there are many other things that make the problem worse: for instance being overweight, poor blood circulation, lack of exercise, high fat and refined sugar consumption, food intolerance or allergy, yo-yo dieting and eating a lot of processed foods. They contain preservatives and sometimes artificial sweeteners, which can cause water retention.

Beauty Treatments
So how do we banish the dreaded orange peel for good? The bad news is that creams will not eliminate cellulite.  Some creams may work to improve the elasticity of skin in the short term but there is no solution to the underlying problem. Liposuction is a bit extreme but it will work for a while. This will only work if you also change your diet and lifestyle. Otherwise the cellulite will reappear, and possibly in other parts of your body as well.

But, what will eliminate cellulite is a healthy diet and some basic exercises carried out at least three times a week. There is no need to become a gym slave. All it takes is an hour and a half a week to exercise. Not only will you reduce your cellulite, but you will also feel better for it.

You should consume healthy food aimed at maintaining your digestive system ensuring that the fat you do eat is healthy fat so you don’t retain fluids.
Eat lots of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables, whole foods that have high levels of fibre in them such as whole grains and pulses, fresh fish, moderate amounts of seeds and nuts and 10 large glasses of fluid each day. These include herbal teas and water but not drinks that include caffeine or sugar in them.

While foods that should be avoided include: junk food, diet soft drinks, caffeinated drinks, processed foods (like white bread, pastries or cakes and biscuits), salty snack foods and excessive levels of saturated fats.

Building Muscle

In order to improve overall heath it is important to increase lean muscle, concentrating on cellulite prone areas. People tend to loose approximately 2-3kg of muscle and gain around 6-7kg of fat for each decade of their life. According to research a combined programme of cardiovascular, flexibility and strength exercise three days per week and healthy eating over 8 weeks significantly reduces the appearance of cellulite.

So what do you actually need to do?

If you have not exercised before then you need to consult with a fitness trainer to make sure that you do the exercises properly and safely. In addition to the exercise you should brush your skin every morning.
A final tip – take a photo before and in eight weeks time take another one. You’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results!


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