Benefits unique to boarding school


SUEANDERSON_logoTwitting  could be beneficial -  virtually you meet lots of new people, who have  interests similar to yours, also professionals, who will gladly provide you with information and share  experience. Having completed the most  prestigious - one of kind boarding school in my home country and being a parent, naturally, I keep an eye on education-related issues. Meeting online Samantha Plumbridge, the Middle East Representative of Sue Anderson Consultants in Education, led to  putting together an article about the benefits unique to boarding school.

Being in an environment where trying new things is encouraged – going to boarding school usually means venturing into something unfamiliar. But nothing to worry about – you’ll be part of a community where the willingness to explore new things is inherent in the student body, and where lots of people will also be trying new things. During boarding school, you’ll repeatedly make ventures into the unknown. You’ll meet new types of people, find your place in a new community, learn new skills and subjects, and challenge yourself to a higher academic standard. With every little challenge that boarding school presents, you learn a little bit more about yourself and become a little bit more comfortable with yourself. For parents: this means that students often experience a lot of personal growth and increased self-confidence.

AbbotsholmeHaving a great time and forming intense friendships – boarding school can also be a lot of fun. Imagine living in a house with a bunch of your best friends. It’s common in boarding school for your dorm friends to become your closest friends and support network. The friendships that you make in this environment will be ones you will remember for life.

Having a wide range of friends – boarding schools actively aim to recruit students from a wide range of geographic, racial, and socio-economic backgrounds. At boarding schools, you’ll be exposed to a relatively wide range of individuals and cultures.

Having teachers as friends and having them regularly available – students are exposed to teachers in plenty of settings throughout the day – e.g., the classroom (as teachers), athletic fields (as coaches), extracurricular groups (as advisors), and dorm settings (as dorm supervisors). Since teachers are accessible throughout the day, getting academic help is usually a lot easier. Also, relationships with teachers and adults can better thrive in these multiple settings, creating learning and mentorship opportunities that are hard to find in other environments.

Being part of a proud community – boarders are very enthusiastic and proud of their boarding school. The traditions and history behind many boarding schools drive the character of each school, and influence each student who goes there. The shared experience of this tradition and history creates a strong network of people and a feeling of community that lasts for life.

For additional information and free impartial help, advice and guidance on UK Boarding Schools, Summer Schools & Language Programmes, please wisit or email Samantha Plumbridge at


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