DED launches consumer campaign urging retailers to exchange/accept sold goods


Use of phrase ‘Sold goods cannot be returned or exchanged’ is against Federal Law for protection of consumers

1The Commercial Compliance and Consumer Protection Division at the Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED) has unveiled a new consumer-focused campaign urging retailers to accept or exchange goods sold. The new campaign highlights that the stance of some retailers that ‘sold goods cannot be returned or exchanged’ does not comply with Federal Law No 24 of 2006 in respect of protection of consumers, Article (5).

Article (5) stipulates that the supplier is required to return or exchange the goods in the event of any defect discovered by the consumer. Such return or exchange shall be carried out in line with the rules decided in the implementing regulation of the law. Additionally, Article (12) of the same law stipulates that all suppliers are required to include in their contracts an obligation of repair, maintenance or after sale service and to return the goods if a defect is discovered.

The phrase “Sold goods are not to be returned or exchanged” does not comply with the Executive Regulation, Article (31) also, which stipulates that consumers shall have the right to obtain a date-bearing invoice, which will include the name and address of the provider, description of goods, sale unit, quantity or number of units sold and price of goods in the local currency. Article (32) further stipulates that the service provider shall offer warranty for the provided service within a specific period corresponding to the nature of such service, or otherwise be committed to refund the amount paid by the recipient, or provide another service in the proper manner.

“Dubai has positioned itself as the shopping capital of the region and is recognized as the major shopping destination for high quality products and global brands. Hence, it is important to ensure that customers receive the best possible service in order to ensure satisfaction and loyalty,” said Mr Mohammed Hilal Al Muroushedi, CEO, Commercial Compliance and Consumer Protection Division, DED. “The Commercial Compliance and Consumer Protection Division at DED is keen to support consumers’ rights and make sure that stores are abiding by the rules and regulations in that matter.”

“DED coordinates with other concerned local and federal government bodies to strengthen awareness of consumer rights and to protect the consumers in every possible way, which is in line with Dubai’s commitment to enhance and upgrade the level of businesses and services in the Emirate,” added Mr Al Muroushedi.

Mr Al Muroushedi said that inspectors of the Commercial Compliance and Consumer Protection Division is undertaking inspection campaigns to make sure that the suppliers display the prices clearly and in the local currency. He said: “We are now targeting salons to guarantee their commitment to display the prices. Our campaign has already covered 1000 salons out of 2700.”

The Commercial Compliance and Consumer Protection Division also organizes field visits and regular and random campaigns to eliminate fake goods. Some campaigns are organized based on complaints from trademark owners or their representatives in Dubai.

About Department of Economic Development (DED):

The Department of Economic Development (DED) is the government body entrusted to set and drive the economic agenda of the emirate of Dubai, UAE. DED supports the structural transformation of Dubai into a diversified, innovative service-based economy that aims to improve the business environment and accelerate productivity growth.

DED and its agencies develop economic plans and policies, identify and support the growth of strategic sectors, and provide services to domestic and international investors and businesses.


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