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Varengold Adds 15 Currency Pairs


Varengold Bank FX, a brand of Varengold Wertpapierhandelsbank AG, now offers trading in the South African Rand, Hungarian Forint, Polish Zloty, Czech Koruna, Norwegian Krone, and Swedish Krona.
Varengold Bank, the award winning German investment bank, today announced that it will list 15 new foreign exchange (FX) currency pairs.
The pairs, representing currencies from Eastern Europe, South Africa, and Scandinavia, will debut on the 1st of October.

“As these economies continue to grow in importance and further integrate into the global economy, investors are seeking new ways to profit in these markets,” says Ilja Perschbacher, Managing Director of Varengold Bank Dubai. “Today Varengold Bank reaches yet another milestone in its expansionary path to further empower our traders with deep liquidity and tight spreads.”
With the addition of these currencies, Varengold investors can now benefit directly from major economic and political developments and hedge currency risks for other investments.

New Currency Pairs:
EUR / NOK ; 
 CAD / CHF ; 
 EUR / CZK  ;
 EUR / HUF ; 
 EUR / NZD ;  
EUR / PLN ; 
 EUR / SEK ;   
GBP / NZD ; 
 NOK / SEK  ; 
 USD / CZK ; 
 USD / HUF ;  
 USD / NOK ; 
 USD / PLN ; 
 USD / SEK ;  

Investors will have an opportunity to learn more about these currencies in Varengold’s upcoming seminar series at the DIFC Capital Club.
Further information about Varengold Bank is available at www.varengoldbankfx.com



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