Role of Carbon Capture Storage in tackling Global Carbon Emissions to be discussed at the World Future Energy Summit


BP Alternative Energy to lead the debate on the role of CCS in tackling Global Carbon Emissions at WFES

BP Alternative Energy will host the BP Carbon Theatre at the World Future Energy Summit (WFES), at which international experts will discuss the role Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) can play in tackling global carbon emissions.

Paul Bryant, BP Hydrogen Power’s Director for the Hydrogen Power Abu Dhabi project will kick off the dialogue by taking delegates through BP’s journey into the CCS industry over the last decade, giving key insights into BP’s aspirations for the sector and an overview of the BP strategy for making the industry a success. He will then hand over the floor to 2 high powered debates where Graeme Sweeney, Shell; Iain Temperton, Climate Change Capital, Mark Fulton, DB Investment Bank; and Othman Zarzour from Masdar will ponder the topic of ‘Is CCS Good Business?’ The subject turns to technology with Ermie Monitz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Jeff Chapman, UK CCSA; Daniel Kummin, University of California, Berkley; Philip Ringrose, Statoil and Eric Drosin, ZEP who will debate whether ‘CCS is a niche technology or global solution?’ Gardiner Hill, BP CCS expert and organiser of the two debates, says that WFES participants will be actively encouraged to join the CCS leaders to debate these topics in an open forum.

The BP Carbon Theatre will offer WFES Delegates a unique opportunity to talk directly with BP experts in the CCS and Solar Energy fields including an open forum to ask questions directly to Katrina Landis, BP Alternative Energy’s CEO, when she hosts a ‘What’s on your Mind’ session. ‘This is about BP’s commitment to the future energy sector. WFES gives us an opportunity to collaborate with leaders in the sector and to continue to build our long standing relationships in this strategic region’, says Ms Landis.

Katrina Landis and IRENA’s Hélène Pelosse will also host a Women’s networking event at the Summit. ‘This event will highlight the importance of women’s contribution in driving forward the Future Energy agenda and will be a perfect opportunity for like-minded women to share their abundant energy and ideas’.

The World Future Energy Summit represents one of the foremost gatherings of policy makers, industry experts and investors. The wide range of topics being discussed will cover the environmental and political pressures on future energy supply in the context of increasing demand, as well as the true value of the renewables market, and scrutinizing the sector’s challenges and determining how these challenges can be overcome.


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