Leading Humanitarians meet in Dubai in April to discuss Health Impact during Global Crisis


Under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, Dubai will host the seventh edition of the Dubai International Humanitarian Aid and Development Conference and Exhibition (DIHAD), which will get underway on the 4th of April 2010 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre and will last for three days.

DIHAD Conference and Exhibition succeeded during the past six years in attracting the world’s key humanitarian executives and leaders to Dubai to share their expertise, voice their thoughts and contribute to uncover solutions that would have major input in upraising the standard of living for the misfortunate communities, building their capabilities and teaching them how to respond quickly during crisis.

The conference focuses on “Global Health Challenges of Tomorrow; Impact & Response” which underscores major health problems that occur during humanitarian challenges, in addition to attracting more attention to the recent disasters and crises one of which is Haiti earthquake, Food crisis and the global warming.

Mr. Gerhard Putman Cramer the Director of the scientific Committee –DISAB said “DIHAD had proved through the years that it is capable of raising the awareness about humanitarian cases around the world, and encourage global individuals to join their efforts to make a difference during this period of time”.

“The situation in Haiti for example is a good cause for us to meet and discuss the disaster that occurred over there and its impact on humanity, in addition to prepare for the health problems that will emerge on a later stage. DIHAD will act as a platform for all humanitarian executives to discuss the issue constructively and come up with beneficial conclusions”. Said Cramer

Mr. Cramer concluded by saying “DIHAD is the perfect place for humanitarian responders and development experts to meet and exchange ideas on issues of mutual concern. It is an opportunity for them to meet, and become acquainted with each others capacities and operations and most importantly, to enlarge their respective networks and engage in new partnerships, to the benefit of those they serve: the victims, the poor, the vulnerable”.

Mr. Mohammed Al Zarouni from UAE Red Crescent highlighted the effort achieved by the United Arab Emirates and Dubai in particular for organising such conference that deals with the support of affected countries and communities. He also mentioned that the conference program includes the participation of several key International Humanitarian executives and leaders in the Conference.

He said “The conference will cater to the needs of the international communities and provide them with the assistance and support which will help them in times of crisis and wars”.

The Committee also announced the six major sessions that will be held during the three days of the DIHAD Conference and Exhibition. The specialised sessions will tackle major health problems including health trends, Killer diseases and the impact and suggestion for enhanced action, scientific innovations and new technologies, guidelines on capitalizing the low cost health interventions, health priorities in disasters and crisis, the threat reality and business continuity planning of pandemics, and the necessity of collaborating efforts of the public and private sector to reduce maternal and child mortality.

In addition, DIHAD 2010 will organise workshops and master classes before and during the conference, and will host top humanitarian leaders from the UN and other humanitarian and relief organisations that will share their expertise and present the lessons learnt through their experience. The pre-conference workshop, which will be presented by UNOCHA, will focus on the Challenges met while delivering humanitarian Aid. Other workshops will focus on; logistics in the provision of health services, water and sanitation and its impact on health, community empowerment tools for health development, and more specialised topics.

More than three hundred exhibitors representing governmental and non governmental organisations, charity organisations, healthcare sector, medical equipment suppliers and temporary hospitals, clothing & protection food manufacturers, emergency food pharmaceuticals and drugs sanitation, hygiene equipment providers, solar energy systems and products, temporary housing and shelter Security services, engineering & Environmental solutions, additional to traders, manufacturers, and distributors are participating in DIHAD 2010.

Mr. Abdul Salam Al Madani Executive chairman of DIHAD Conference and Exhibition and President of Index Holding said that “DIHAD now in its 7th year works to gather major local, regional and international humanitarian associations together to meet, learn and work hand in hand to support communities and provide all technical and logistical assistance”; he continued.

He also said “DIHAD is proving to be the largest humanitarian event in the Middle East, attended by key decision makers, procurement and logistics officials from leading international, regional & local NGOs, UN Agencies, Governmental Departments and international associations, specialists in the humanitarian industry, humanitarian individuals, researchers and Academics come from all parts of the world to benefit from the conference and the interactive sessions.”

Al Madani also declared that the participation in the exhibition are mainly from Denmark, France, Germany, Gibraltar, India, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Norway, Pakistan, Qatar, Italy, Slovenia, Sudan, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, UAE, UK and USA.

DIHAD is organised by Index Conferences and Exhibitions, member of Index Holding and in cooperation with Mohammed Bin Rashid AL Maktoum Humanitarian and Charity Establishment, the United Nations, the UAE Red Crescent Society, Dubai Cares, Organization of Islamic Conference and the International Humanitarian City as platinum sponsor and other international and regional organisations.


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