Cosmetic Dermatology, Facial Rejuvenation techniques, Body Contouring, Lasers and Case Reports from local hospitals are discussed during the second day of Dubai Derma


The Dubai World Dermatology and Laser Conference and Exhibition (Dubai Derma) commenced its second day at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre, whereas the second day conversed the updates on Cosmetic Dermatology, Facial Rejuvenation techniques, Body Contouring, Lasers and Case Reports from local hospitals.

Three thousand was the number of participants and trade visitors who registered at the end of the second day, while the conference topics touched upon Psychodermatology; Skin as a model of communication, Motives for Cosmetic Procedures, How to Deal with Complications During Practice, Face Rejuvenation and Recovery of Volume with Hyaluronic Acid implants, in addition to the Presentations and the Case Report Competition with a 5000 Dhs award for the best case.

Dr. Ibrahim Galadari, Professor of Dermatology at the Emirates University and Chairman of Dubai Derma Conference said that: “the size of the skin care and cosmetics sector reaches 30% of the international business, which reaches up to billions of dollars in all countries including the poor ones”.

Dr. Galadari also said that this sector attracts the interest of males and females alike, especially when it comes to fillers, lifting, and hair transplant. He also mentioned that the new technologies that we can see these days and the latest techniques used in these days will eliminate the role of the plastic surgeries.

Dr. Galadari also mentioned that the high technology and the latest machines represented at the Dubai Derma 2010 is a living proof for the future of this industry.

Dr. Abdul Wahab Fawzan, President of Kuwait Society of Dermatologists, and president of the Arab Scientific council of Derma. and Vener from Kuwait said “Most Gulf countries has a dry atmosphere and high temperatures, so residents of this area should increase their skin hydration and protection. Dubai is a humid city there fore people should make sure they don’t get infected by fungal infections caused by humidity which cause damage to the skin.”

He continued “I believe that this meeting is an opportunity for all doctors attending Dubai Derma to learn about new approaches in skin care as well as laser and cosmetics surgery, and I am looking forward to be at this very impressive congress every year.”

Most of the beauty and cosmetics products are imported from foreign countries to the gulf, as factories in the gulf produce only medicines. The value of this industry is billions of dollars especially after the awareness campaigns that international dermatology platforms such as Dubai Derma spread among people.

Dubai Derma 2010 is an excellent opportunity for dermatologists, Dermatology resident physicians and medical students to benefit from the workshops; as they will provide an update on the latest advances and practices in Dermatology, Laser treatments, anti – aging, skin and hair care and other dermatological therapies.


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