Dubai US Curriculum Schools not matching The American Education System standards


According to the Dubai Schools Inspection Bureau (DSIB) annual report, which was made public on the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) website today, many schools that claim to provide a n US curriculum fail to meet prescribed criteria.

There are 30 US curriculum in Dubai and ¨only seven have been found to offer a curriculum with the choice and diversity that is required by the American  education system. The curriculum in  23 of the 30 schools fall far short of what would be required in the US. Very few can be said to offer a curriculum with the choice and diversity that are hallmarks of a genuine US school.”

Most “American” schools fell in the ”Acceptable” and ”Unsatisfactory” category in the second cycle of inspections that were concluded this year.

From the first round of inspections that began in 2008, only four US schools managed to jump a category with 24 schools showing no significant improvement.

A large number of students in the emirate study at US curriculum schools including 17,870 UAE nationals who prefer an American education. Progress and attainment of students are not being measured against international benchmarks as many schools do not subscribe external tests like Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or Advanced Placement.

The report highlights that students complete their education with a local school certificate that does not provide an international currency which hinders their entry into top universities.

Unsatisfactory teaching in US schools that was found in a quarter of all lessons in 2008-2009 by inspectors has reduced by only 8 per cent this year.


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