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UAE to introduce metric systems instead of feet and yard as length measurements


The Emirates Authority for Standardization ‘&’ Metrology (ESMA) is bracing to implement a new system for length and distance measurement units in all official transactions in the UAE.

Mohammed Saleh Badri, Acting Director General of ESMA, announced the shift of length measurement units from feet and yard to the metre.
”A national action committee, made up of representatives of all relevant entities, will be set up to develop a plan for streamlining the shift to the metre,”he added at the end of a symposium organised by ESMA on the replacement of the feet and yard with the metre in official and commercial activities, especially in the real estate sector.
A massive media campaign on the merit of the conversion on the national economy will be conducted, he said.

The UAE introduced the litre instead of gallon as unit of fuel from January 1.

All oil companies and corporations operating in the United Arab Emirates used litre as a unit of measurement for the fuel, instead of the gallon.

The move is in implementation of the UAE Cabinet Decision No. 31 of 2006 on the national system of measurement, which mandates the use of International System of units (SI) as a basis for the legal units of measurement in the country.

Badri also mentioned that the main aim of ESMA is to build quality infrastructure for the country through traceable and reliable measurements, which enhance our national economy and facilitate the UAE products to compete in global market.
The system will ensure the availability of quality levels suitable for industries of national and local products to enable them to enter the fields of competition and the provision of infrastructure necessary for continual improvement and competitiveness in all areas of the national economy.

ESMA provides safety and health protection, economic and environmental support for the national economy, especially as the Federal Law No. / 28 for the year 2001 considered the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology as the responsible body to establish and maintain the National Measurement System.



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