Federal Authority for Government Human Resources announces first international HR conference


Under the Patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) will organise the first “International Human Resources Conference and Exhibition (IHRC)” in Dubai in January 2011.

Announcing the conference and exhibition at a press conference held today, His Excellency Humaid Mohammad al-Qutami, the UAE Minister of Education and Chairman of the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources said the event is a strategic initiative to enhance the profile of the UAE human capital locally and internationally.

The conference and exhibition will be held at the Dubai International conventions & Exhibitions Centre from the 19th to the 20th of January 2011 under the theme “Human Resources: The Sustainable Capital for the New Era”. The event will be held annually in order to sustain and build on the knowledge shared and partnerships created every year.

HE Al-Qutami said the conference and exhibition follow the directives of the UAE leadership to concentrate on human capital as the most productive investment towards achieving comprehensive and sustainable development..

“The UAE government has continued to embark on various initiatives that ultimately seek to enhance the performance of our human resources, especially young talents, by identifying creativity and channelling it appropriately. The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources is one among these initiatives that invest in human capital as a strategic catalyst for all-round development,” Al-Qutami said.

The minister further noted that the UAE Vision 2010 and the strategic plan of the Federal Government for 2011-2013 both reiterate the need for innovative programmes and approaches in building the human capital for the future.

“The IHRC reiterates our determination to make a distinctive mark through the most powerful of our assets – the youth population. The MENA region has a youth population of over 200 million people below the age of 25 years. They are raw talent, waiting to be moulded and groomed to take up important roles in shaping the society,” the minister said.

The International Human Resources Conference and Exhibition also aims to strategically position FAHR as a vehicle of positive change and facilitate exchange of valuable HR knowledge among HR practitioners. The event will bring together visionaries including world leaders, author, speakers and campaigners in discussions on labour, population policies and employment.

IHRC will also highlight the proactive leadership that HR managers must assume in their organisation’s success during challenging economic times. A distinguished list of government representatives, consultants, legislators and industry leaders will address the conference. The event will also showcase advanced HR technology and specialised services in a novel exhibition.

The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources is organising the event in cooperation with the international Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA) – USA and the Dubai School of Government.


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