Licensing Agency offers 400 distinguished number plates in online auction


The Licensing Agency of the Roads ‘&’ Transport Authority (RTA) is bracing for launching an online auction for distinguished number plates comprising plate categories (I) 6and (J); which are in high demand among clients who are keen to own and register them for their vehicles.

The next online auction is set for Wednesday 22/09/2010 and runs for 7 days through RTA official website ( During this auction, RTA is intending to offer as much as 400 number plates from both categories.

Commenting on the Auction, the Director of Vehicle Licensing, Licensing Agency, Mohammed Abdul Kareem Nimaat, said: “All interested clients can buy distinguished vehicle licensing plates in a highly transparent and equitable platform via the online auctioning system. The system requires customers to be pre-registered through RTA website before moving on to Licensing Services webpage. In order to benefit from the service of the online number plates auction, customers have to have traffic files opened in Dubai Emirate. Each potential bidder is also required to deposit Dhs5,000 as a refundable deposit through the portal or Deira Licensing Center via a cheque in the name of the RTA.” “The Licensing Agency had previously held an online auction last April as part of the Early Requests for Distinguished Numbers Campaign. The forthcoming online auction is part of a continuous series of distinguished number plate online auctions planned by Vehicles Licensing Dep’t; which is seeking through this service to save customers time ‘&’ effort in the course of obtaining distinguished plates. Customers can also avail the service of Direct Allocation of Distinguished Number Plates at the nominal value through buying these plates directly online as per the terms and conditions set,” remarked Nimaat.


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