New Year’s Resolutions for Job Seekers


The New Year signifies a shot at a New You – a chance to hit the reset button, so to speak, and realign yourself in a direction that leads to better health, more exercise, or greater knowledge. The problem is, junk food tastes so much better than Brussels sprouts, you don’t have the time to keep up with all the daily news sources and stay on top of the Amazon Bestseller List, and that one-year gym membership loses its shine in February. It can be hard to stay on top of your goals, but if you make the effort when it comes to your job search, it really will pay off. Moreover, if you set short-term, concrete milestones for yourself, you’ll be more likely to stick it out. Here are some ideas:

1. Resolve to build out your professional network. Hold yourself accountable and vow to meet a certain number of people – say, two – per week. You could also decide that you will attend one to two networking events per month. Picking a number and sticking to it is important, and it’s also a helpful way to track the people you meet and when you met them.

2. Promise to yourself that you’re going to really make your job search a full time job, and set a goal for yourself as to how many jobs you will apply to each week. If it helps to break it down to a specific number of jobs per day, do that; just make sure you set a goal and don’t fall below it.

Executive Openings!
3. Decide to have a happier, healthier year by taking up a hobby or volunteering. It’s hard to sit in front of a computer all day and search for a job, so commit yourself to an activity or join a group that meets once a week, and make it a part of your routine. It’s important to get out and remain social, so that you don’t get too worn out by your job search and lose steam.

4. Commit yourself to learning a new skill or subject matter. Use your free time to broaden your mind, and consider taking up something that will allow you to bring more to the table at a new job, so that you can become a more attractive candidate to hiring managers. Were you always hoping to learn Spanish or HTML? Now is the time to do it.

5. If 2010 was a rough year for you as far as job search goes, consider seeking the aid of professional services that will look over your resume or coach you on how to perform in an interview. Perhaps this is something to add to your holiday wish list for those who have no idea what to get you.

6. Make a resolution to build your online presence and leverage social media channels to get a job. Sign up for various social and professional networking sites, and craft an image that you want employers to see. Consider starting a blog that serves as an online portfolio of work or as a further networking tool, and make sure that you update it once a week.

7. Perhaps the most important resolution is to find a way to stay positive, even though you may be feeling anxious about not having a job. A positive person will be more productive, will exude enthusiasm and confidence to hiring managers, and will be more likely to land a job that they enjoy. Do what you can to keep your head up, whether it’s yoga, a weekly movie night, time with your kids, or anything else that relaxes you and keeps you happy.

Staying on top of New Year’s resolutions isn’t always easy; but if you really think them through, establish small milestones for yourself, and follow a set course, you’ll effectively end up where you want to be!


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