UNI – UAE’s most original university magazine to be launched


UNI is a fun, smart, young and interactive monthly university English publication that fills a gap of what the UAE misses out in terms of powerful, appropriate and intelligent content-base, as well as related topics of concern to university students across all the prominent educational institutions in the country.

The execution of the magazine is creative, yet clear in its presentation, engaging, informative, yet light and memorable. It is tuned in to what the youth of the country want, need, and are essentially moved by. The content is varied, ranging from fun to thought-provoking articles; academia to celebrity interviews; amateur renditions to celebrated art, and most importantly, students, their surroundings, campuses, professors and everything in-between!

Ali Sabbagh Editor-in-Chief/Publisher commented: “UNI Magazine will serve the academic community in order to establish itself as the true voice of its generation – a crucial bracket of a population that doesn’t take itself too seriously, but one that will also not be underestimated.“

Cosmopolitan in its nature, the UAE is an umbrella that houses various nationalities and ideologies of a varied populace. To represent the youth and students, the only way to succeed – as a magazine – is to tirelessly strive to become a pedestal in its genre and fill what has so far been a major void. Keeping this in mind, UNI will uniquely serve to satisfy the thirst of knowledge, and act as a collective voice to 17-24 year-olds; as a magazine that is just as unpredictable as the demographic it mirrors.

Come March 2011, UNI will be launched and distributed within campuses across the Emirates, as well as some of the favourite places where students can be found, and its dedicated website being: www.uni,ae. Mr. Sabbagh adds: “We’ve effectively been working on UNI for two solid years to perfect both the content grid as that of design palettes; and now it’s time!”


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