Distinguished number plates for motorbikes on offer


The Licensing Agency, Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), is now offering distinguished number plates for motorbikes comprising 8000 four and five-digit plates obtainable through multiple selling outlets such as RTA portal, customer service centers, service providers and auto dealers.

The move is primarily aimed to achieve higher satisfaction rating of bikers and reach out to a larger segment of the community.

“There are about 20 thousand motorbikes registered in Dubai; which is a small number compared to the number of registered private vehicles which exceed one million. Therefore the Licensing Agency opted to revive the motorbikes market through offering interested individuals ample opportunity to select their fancied plates in a transparent and clearly defined manner, and acquire them in a hassle-free environment,” said Abdullah Abdul Rahman, Acting Director of Vehicles Licensing.

“Plates will be offered at their nominal prices which range from 1,110 to 2,610 dirham as the underlying objective of selling motorbike plates is not to make profit, rather to attain the satisfaction of customers who are crucial for the success of our initiatives,” he continued.

“The customer can buy the plate online through logging to RTA website where the plate ownership certificate will be delivered through the available delivery service. When dealing with customer service centers and service providers, the customer can directly buy the plate and fix it to the motorbike on the spot,” said the Acting Director of Vehicles Licensing in a final remark.


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