US Astronauts Touch Down in Dubai


Three US astronauts touched down in Emirates’ First Class Lounge on this week before lifting off again on Emirates’ flights to Houston and New York.

Neil Armstrong – the first man on the moon, Jim Lovell – Commander of the Apollo 13 mission and Gene Cernan – the last man on the moon met with Emirates’ Divisional Senior Vice President Flight Operations, Captain Alan Stealey in Emirates’ Terminal 3 First Class Lounge to exchange anecdotes on flying, the advances in aviation technology and where they each see the future of the aviation industry.

Although vastly different in terms of aircraft the four aviators share a passion for flying and between them the group have done enough kilometres to circle the earth well over a hundred times.

The three astronauts were travelling through Dubai from Kabul on a USO (United Service Organisation) sponsored trip in conjunction with Armed Forces Entertainment.


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