Emirates ID Cards on The Spot


The Emirates Identity Authority (Emirates ID) will start printing and delivering ID cards on the spot within three months. The process will be very similar to the issuance of driving licences. It is aimed at saving time for both, customers and authorities.

At first the new procedure will be implemented to Emiratis ID cards applicants, and later will be extended to expatriates.

As of now, applicants have to apply for renewal either online or at a typing centre and the ID card is issued through post offices.

Renewal of Emirates ID cards will be instantly provided. Applicants will be able to renew their ID cards at the Emirates ID registration centres on the spot, once the new system is launched. Walk-in customers for renewal will not need appointments.

In future, when on the spot printing starts for first-time applicants, they can get instant delivery of their cards at Emirates ID registration centres after completing the pre-registration process online or at typing centres and completing the biometrics and photograph procedures.

On the spot printing will begin at selected Emirates ID registration centres in Abu Dhabi for Emiratis within three months. Subsequently, more registration centres will be selected in the rest of the emirates.

Gradually, all centres across the country will offer on the spot printing, especially after the necessary data has already been acquired and fed into the database.


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