Dubai to revamp education strategy


Education is a key pillar in Dubai’s vision of building a sustainable and knowledge-based economy and high quality of life

Dubai education strategy revamp project will be completed in a short period of time in two phases of “State of Education”

An updated strategy and implementation roadmap is being developed for the education sector in Dubai to ensure alignment with the Emirate’s and UAE’s long term economic and social developmental priorities. Government of Dubai initiated the project to overhaul the sector in line with the objectives of Dubai Strategic Plan 2015 of which education is a key pillar in Dubai’s vision of building a sustainable and knowledge-based economy and high quality of life.

The comprehensive project to tackle Dubai’s K-12 education system brings on board all parties concerned. As a joint mission, it is being coordinated by the General Secretariat of the Executive Council and overseen by a Steering Committee. The Steering Committee composes of all the related key local government entities represented at the highest level as the Executive Council Social Development Committee Chairperson,Major General Mohammed Al Marri; the Dubai Executive Council Secretary General, Abdullah Al Shaibani; Knowledge and Human Development Authority Director General, Dr. Abdullah Karam and Dubai Education Zone Director General, Dr. Ahmad Eid Al Mansouri. The Committee is in regular contact with the UAE Minister of Education, Humaid Muhammad Al-Qattami, who supports the project and is actively involved in to provide input to align Federal and Emirate level education policies and mandates of related authorities.

The approach and methodology to revamp the Education Strategy of Dubai is designed by a team of in-house and outsourced experts. The methodology takes into account the multi-stakeholder, multi-dimensional and, inter-related social, cultural and economic nature and dynamics of the education sector of Dubai as whole. The methodology also seeks participation of all parties concerned, including parents, students, teachers, principals, as well as, investors, urban planning, finance and education authorities. Stakeholder feedback and insights that will be received through surveys, focus groups and interviews are planned to be instrumental in defining an in-depth analysis of the current components, challenges and drivers of the sector. Consequently, the revamped strategy is expected to succeed in obtaining the unanimous endorsement and implementation by all the stakeholders.

The Minister of Education Humaid Muhammad Al-Qattami said: “Dubai’s success and its continuous accomplishments made it an international model for development and prosperity. The high level of development witnessed in Dubai has created a number of challenges relating to Human Resource and its qualifications according to development requirements, therefore it was necessary to develop a supporting plan from the Federal Education developmental strategy, to help enhance the educational services in Dubai and contribute to higher educational attainment.” He stated that the goals of the Education Development Plan in Dubai go hand in hand with the general objectives of the Education development in the UAE. This plan will be conducted in accordance to the Dubai Strategic Plan (DSP) 2015. Henoted that the Ministry of Education will spare no effort in supporting the Executive Council, Dubai Educational Zone, and Knowledge and Human Development Authority, to reach the desired goals.

Al-Qattami added that “what distinguishes the education process in the UAE is the fact that it works under a Federal umbrella, through a constructive cooperation of the Ministry and Educational Councils in general. This creates an exceptional method in which all entities work together to attain one common goal, which is to prepare and equip young Emiratis with the right knowledge to conserve UAE’s achievements while building onto them in the required pace of this constantly changing world.’

The Secretary General of the Dubai Executive Council Abdullah Al Shaibani underscored the social impact of education and the role it plays in the development of Emiratis who are to lead and ensure a sustainable future for Dubai and the UAE. He said:”As a joint endeavor of all key actors, the revamp of Dubai education strategy will build on the success of what has been done by local authorities thus far and on the national strategy developed by the Government. We are in full agreement with the Minister of Education, Humaid Muhammad Al-Qattami that there is room for better alignment and a need for a clearer direction according to specific requirements of Dubai. We are optimistic that when completed, the revamped K-12 education strategy of Dubai will meet expectations not only in regards to enhanced quality and governance, but also efficient fund and HR management.”

Major General Mohammed Ahmed Al Marri, the Chairperson of the Social Development Committee of the Dubai Executive Council and the member of the Project Steering Committee, stated that revamping the education strategy of Dubai was in line with the agreement signed between Ministry of Education and Government of Dubai. Major Al Marri said:”We are developing frameworks and coordination mechanisms between the different players in the sector to implement the Federal Education Strategy and to better align federal and local education policies.

Therefore, the revamped strategy will meet the actual needs of the sector and can be implemented according to available status and current governance status.” Dr. Abdullah Karam, the Knowledge and Human Development Authority Director General and project Steering Committee member, stated that a lot has been accomplished so far and a clear roadmap is needed in order to build on the current assets.

Dr. Karam said: “As KHDA, we have been at the forefront of private education in Dubai. We introduced many initiatives at school and system level to get the best out of the private education, and we increased the quality of outputs and outcomes. However, private education is very dynamic and complex, hence the strategy has to evolve accordingly. We are glad to have all parties on board for the revamp of Dubai Education strategy. This project will tackle the missing or outdated components of the existing strategy and factor in its solid strengths.”

Dubai Education Zone Director General and project Steering Committee member Dr. Ahmad Eid Al Mansouri noted that Dubai Education Zone role is to provide a local perspective and for better local and federal coordination. Dr. Al Mansouri, emphasizing the need for a more specific strategy on the Emirate level, said:”Efficient collaboration and alignment among all entities that are involved in the education value chain, as well as the engagement of all stakeholders early on, will lead to the successful implementation of the revamped Dubai Education Strategy.”

It has been stated that Dubai education strategy revamp project will be completed in a short period of time in two phases of “State of Education” baseline analysis and Education Strategy development. Among the early expectations of the to be strategy are addressing the specific issues of Emirati students; practicality and implementation with current capabilities; quality education access to all and identifying legislative/regulatory gaps for successful implementation.


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