How to apply for a visa to Bulgaria


Bulgaria is the summer holiday destination in 2012, un-anonymously chosen by the Dubai Chronicle’s team. With the school year almost over, the time to board the plane gets closer. But before leaving to anywhere, travellers should research the “Does and Don’t” of their prospective destinations. First thing anyone needs to consider in order to visit any foreign country is a visa. Therefore, in this post we will explore the options to obtain visa to Bulgaria from Dubai.

Although Bulgaria is part of the European Union, it’s application to become part of the Schengen visa agreement is still on the waiting list. Holders of Schengen visa can enter Bulgaria freely, without applying for Bulgarian visa. But if you have visit visa to Bulgaria, you can’t use it to visit other countries in the European Union.

In Dubai, it is relatively easy to apply for a visit visa to Bulgaria. The Bulgarian consulate is located on Jumeirah beach road, opposite the Dubai Zoo. It is open five days a week, from 9 am to 1 pm. The other option to apply for visit visa to Bulgaria is trough the VFS offices, located now at Wafi shopping mall.

Having in consideration the busy summer holiday season and the long cues at VFS, applying for visa to Bulgaria at the Bulgarian consulate is easier and faster. In addition, the qualified staff of the consulate could assist you more effectively.

The complete process for receiving visa to Bulgaria may take between 3 and 15 days, depending on your personal status and the type of visa. There are four different options – A, B, C and D – that stipulate the visa validity length. There are applicable visa fees, but these vary on the nationality of the applicants.

All together, applying for a visa to Bulgaria is a simple and easy process. To learn more about travelling from Dubai to Bulgaria, please visit


  1. my boyfriend is bulgarian and im planning to visit bulgaria next year as the invitation is under his name,, may i ask what would be my requirments,. do i have to have show money to go there?


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