How to double your income


Everyone wishes to earn more. If you work for your yourself as a freelancer or a a business owner that may be easier than when you work for someone else. But if you are an employee, you can also increase your income by adopting few simple rules.

Get downsized

It is easy to enjoy life and spend for little luxuries when you receive a pay once a month and you know another one is coming in 30 days. You feel secure, comfortable and on easy. Sometimes you may be a little unhappy and wonder what will happen without a regular job. So, stay alert and cut to the limits of comfort.

Turn down work

Turn down work may be one of the smartest thing you can do. Jobs that don’t pay enough deserve to be turned down. You also should turn down jobs that you do not enjoy or that would involve working for someone you instantly hate.

That means, you focus your energies on getting well-paying work that would provide regular income streams and put you in contact with people you like. This may sound a bit spoilt, but it is efficient. There is no greater waste of time in life than doing a job you hate for people you hate at a rate you hate.

Be shrewd!

Dare to be Different

Seeking win-win outcomes and following golden rules is so outdated strategy that one may doubt if still works. You may often negotiate a better salary or a better deal by being a jerk or someone else not very nice.

This is capitalism! It means dog-eat-dog, but not let’s-make-friends!


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