How article marketing builds authority for your business


The following article will explain with simple words what article marketing is and why it is important for businesses, successful executives and professionals.

Content marketing is a basic advertising strategy. A great marketing article contains from 500 to 800 words and focusses on a particular area, industry, products or services that are familiar to you or main subject of your business.

Actually, the article could cover any topic that is relevant to you and your company.

It Might Appear Complicated

Don’t give up on this idea just because you are too busy to write 500 words together. Try to come up with relevant  and time-sensitive topics for your articles. After that consider whether you would write them yourself, or have someone else to write them for you. You can outsource professional services too. Writing engaging articles requires time and expertise, therefore be prepared to pay for the service.

If you are seated in an office, you most probably have useful and appropriate material and information scattered around that can make a great article. Maybe in the past you published an article about your business and the products and services it offers. Try to remember and take an inspiration!

Or you once promoted your business, its advantages and features in some magazine or radio program. If that is not the case, than you must store lots of materials in the office filing drawers or on the computers. They can help you popularize the products and the services offered by your company.

Make Use of This Advantage

Article marketing works on the World Wide Web and your message can be successfully distributes in a flash, providing you choose a well established and trusted online marketing services provider. Hence, it is a good idea to use it in order to popularize your business. The Internet nowadays has more influence than ‘offline’ services like printed materials in magazines and newspapers. That it due to the fact, that it distributes information very fast and in most of the cases free of charge. With the help of the Internet you can make things happen in no time.

However, articles printed online and offline have something in common. They both need to provide useful information. They should appear more intriguing to readers, no matter whether it provides them with information about your business, or helps them settle a problem, or gives them answers to some of their most popular question concerning issues relevant to them.

In order to be understood, the articles need to be engaging and relevant. Try to avoid slang. If you use any acronyms, then you need to explain them to the reader. Keep in mind that some people may not be familiar with the subjects which are discussed in your material and keep it simple.

Then What?

So now you have some materials which you can use to popularize your business online. But how can you use them?

These are not printed articles. Therefore, you should not publish them by using the traditional offline means. What you should do is find a good publisher. It depends on the nature of your business, you can opt for a local or international media outlet. If you run a small to medium size business in Dubai, choose a Dubai-based publisher. If you run international business, then opt for a global service provider. Publishing and distribution services are not free of cost and you have to be mentally prepared to pay some amount to the service provider you choose.

Make Your Business More Visible

The main benefit of using established publisher for article marketing is that your materials will appear instantly online and will be easily accessible through search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. With their help your business gets a positional advantage. In that way your articles (and consequently your business) are more likely to be found by a targeted prospect.

This can be compared to posting an advertisement that promotes your company, its services and products on a dozen (or even more) of the most popular ad boards in the country or in the world, since everyone on the globe would be able to find your article on the Internet. The only difference is that the classifieds board will delete your advertisement after some period of time, while the publisher will keep it in its archives and readers on the search for you would be able to find it even after years.

The one of the best advantages of this business marketing strategy is that you are popularizing your business in different places. We can compare that to sowing seeds. In that way, your company’s name is more easily found on the Internet.

However, successful article marketing is a little more complicated than we try to explain here and the best solution is to hire trusted professionals. This is due to the effect of the ‘double-edged sword’ which can help your business a lot. This is something which we are going to discuss in the second part of this article.

*By New Media Group – the most powerful independent content marketer and social media services provider in Dubai and the wider region. The firm publishes, and it is preparing the launch of For enquiries, please write to


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