How article marketing builds authority for your business (Part 3)


The first two parts of this article discussed how to build and use an article marketing strategy. They listed the benefits that your business could get. Moreover, they told you how to become an expert in your field of expertise.

In the third part of this article we will discuss how to make the most of your materials, how to make more people to read them, and how to stand out from your competition.

In order to make your article more visible on the web and make people want to read it, give it a more memorable haeding. It is the same with newspapers. Headlines are supposed to draw the reader’s attention. The same goes with your materials.

This is the Most Important Part of Your Article

Of course, the headline should be relevant to the information that is offered in the article. However, it should also be intriguing. This is important, because your article needs to distinguish from others and make people want to read it.

Your article should offer good information and quality. However, if the title is not equally good and convincing, then it’s all pointless. Our advice is to write your article and then come up with an appropriate title.

Actually, it would be better if you have a few headlines. Then see which one suits best to your business. You may say: “That’s a lot of work”, but it is quite useful.

Remember Never to…

Your article should not promote products and services. Don’t use it in a direct way to make people buy. If you do that it may never get published. Don’t promote products and services! Your article should inform, help, educate and entice the reader.

Usually, that is enough to convince readers to visit your website and learn more about you and the products and services you offer. The selling part starts on the website.

Different is Always Efficient

A basic rule in marketing is to be different or be out of the game!

Most people do not make difference between your company and other people’s companies that are similar to yours. You need to quickly stand out from them. This may seem hard to do. And the truth is that it is, but it is worth it.

The first thing you need to do is think of what you have, what you can offer or do that would make clients prefer you and not someone else.

If you use a strategy for article marketing, you will notice that as soon as you make your company visible in search engines, you get list of reliable sources and websites.

It is good to start with this. It makes you business reliable and it will impress and encourage your clients to give your company a chance. Do you know whether your competition is visible on the Internet? Why don’t you check and see?

Reliability often means right positioning of both you and your business. Your business should first build online  presence and authority  as a strong groundwork for development.

It is easy to see this when you weigh out the advantages and benefits that reliability can give to your company. It is not hard to do it and you can have an enormous ROI (Return of Investment). So what do you think? Can you achieve a better credibility?

*By New Media Group – the most powerful independent content marketer and social media services provider in Dubai and the wider region. The firm publishes, and it is preparing the launch of For enquiries, please write to


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