Why Journalists Turn into “Promoters”


In the past journalism was known as a profession that relied only on credible sources and published true and checked information. Journalists followed strict ethics protocol and tried to do everything in their power to help the society.

Today, however, the situation is quite different. This profession is not what it used to be. In fact, now there is a trend among journalists to become “promoters” and “advertisers” of various products, brands and companies.

There are no official statistics about the scope of this phenomenon. That is because there are not many news people would admit to such a “crime”.

Nevertheless, everything in this life happens for a reason. Advertising journalism didn’t spring out of nowhere. Here are some of the main things that forced many journalists to become promoters and advertisers.

The Internet

Modern advertising is highly influenced and formed by the Internet. Today, journalism and advertising are closely connected. As a matter of fact, this combination is now a well-established practice. Companies pay for positive reviews or articles that only mention their products. In that way, they attract more customers and journalists, on the other hand, get paid.

The Issue of Money

Yes, money makes the world go round. Apparently, that proverb can be used to describe pretty much every aspect of our modern lives. Journalism is not an exception. Many journalists are lured by the easy money that brands offer them. They can quickly scribble down something in their free time and then get paid. And so the more they write, the more they will make. For that we can partly blame the media industry. Many newspapers and magazines are not generous when it comes to salaries. As a result, journalists are forced to take on side projects and promote services and products. Interestingly, the situation in television, for example, is quite different. Most TV companies have sponsors who pay large sums for some time on their commercial block. Others supply provide TV program with products that must simply be placed somewhere in the interior of a particular show. Of course, television is much more visual than the press and it relies less on writing.

Pressure from Above

There are some journalists who, despite all benefits, are not willing to turn their work into advertising. However, the media which they represent can sometimes require them to write a material that has a promotional character. In such cases, they are not left with much of a choice.

The Popularity Factor

There is one more main reason why journalists turn into advertisers and that is the people’s interest towards some products. Today we live in a consumer society. Brands are playing a key role. Owning a particular product can raise your social status and confidence. That is why people are often obsessed with new clothes, electronics, cars, etc. As a result, they need to receive news about the latest promotions and events around their favourite brands. The media sees that there is a large demand for such information and it partners up with different businesses and companies.

Yes, journalism is not what it used to be. Today it is influenced by many other side factors like the Internet, the media business, the society and money. However, journalists still do everything in their power to satisfy the need of the modern consumer society.

*By New Media Group – the most powerful independent content marketer and social media services provider in Dubai and the wider region. The firm publishes www.dubaichronicle.com, www.bride-wedding.info and it is preparing the launch of www.abudhabichronicle.com. For inquiries, please write to Info@newmediagroup.biz.


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