Social Media for The Fashion Industry


What is the latest trend in fashion? You’d be surprised to find that it is social media. Yes, social websites are becoming an integral part of the fashion industry.

Fashion brands invest millions in engaging users and promoting their products. You may wonder why. It’s simple – through social networks brands can turn their clients into advertisers. When people like something they share it, tweet it, pin it, blog it… well, you get the idea. Simply put, social media is a great marketing tool.

In this article we will share some of the most innovative and successful social media practices which can help fashion brands gain more popularity.

Behind the Scene Access

Bigger fashion brands like to offer their followers exclusive behind the scene access. They use various platforms to share real-time raw content like photos and videos. Many even post quick interviews with models and designers.

Store Integration

This is one of the greatest social media strategies for fashion brands. Integrating social networks in the customer’s shopping experience can be really engaging. A good idea is to provide special equipment with which clients can take photos of themselves while trying out a new outfit in the store. Then they can share it with their friends on their social profile to see whether they approve the look or not.

Exclusive Deals

Give special discounts to the people who follow you on the social websites. Also, you can use some particular social network to reveal your newest collection and provide exclusive updates to the users of that network.


Encourage your fans to be more active by launching a contest. For instance, you can ask them to dress up for a Saturday night out using only clothes and accessories from your brand. Also, make sure you add a voting option. In that way even people who haven’t sent their dress-up photo will feel part of the competition.

Go Mobile

Nowadays many people have mobile devices like smartphones or tablet which can easily access the web. That is why if you create your own mobile app, your brand will attract much more fashionistas. In order your application to be successful, spend some time searching for an interesting and unique idea. You can start by developing a mobile application which delivers weather reports to users and offers different outfits of the brand that are suitable for the given meteorological conditions.

Everyone in the fashion industry should invest money and time in social media marketing. Online services and communication are becoming an essential part of our lives and fashion brands should keep that in mind.

*By New Media Group – the most powerful independent content marketer and social media services provider in Dubai and the wider region. The firm publishes, and it is preparing the launch of For inquiries, please write to


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