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Five reasons to cancel your wedding


Many women going through divorces admit that they knew they were making a mistake when they walked down the aisle. Here are five signs that should make you think twice before committing yourself to a guy.

There is no much hope for you two if you don’t get along with his family. Many couples carry out with the wedding hoping all the family problems will disappear. Unfortunately, they seldom do. Actually, issues with in-laws usually escalate over time, especially when you decide to have a baby. If his family is causing a problem in your relationship before you’re married, you may want to consider cancelling your wedding.

You should also be careful if you’ve dated for less than a year. It is a known fact that most people are on their best behavior during the first twelve months of a relationship. After that, people generally let their guard down a little bit and you can see what a person is really like. This is important because when you get married, you are supposed to spend the rest of your lives together. You should know if you can live with your boyfriend on long-term basis after the honeymoon phase of your relationship is over.

Also, there might be a problem if you haven’t agreed on issues such as kids, careers and other fundamental issues. Many couples get caught up in wedding planning and that they forget to talk about the essential things of sharing a life together such as kids, religion, where you will live, how you will divide your housework and many others.
There is an unwritten rule that couples should spend at least as much time discussing the details of their lives together as they do discussing the details of their weddings. If you can’t agree on these fundamental issues before your marriage, you should think about cancelling your wedding until you reach an agreement on the details of your lives together.

Another warning sign would be the lack conflict resolution skills. If you have terrific arguments and fights with your partner and nothing ever seems to get resolved, it would be best if you cancel your wedding, at least until the two of you work on your conflict resolution skills. Long-term relationships always call for good conflict resolution skills and, fortunately, they can be learned if both partners are committed to doing so.

You shouldn’t also underestimate your intuition, or gut feeling. We have intuition for a reason and most of us get into trouble when we don’t listen to it. If your intuition is telling you to cancel your wedding, it’s probably a good idea to do it (or at least to postpone your wedding until the feeling passes). If you are really meant to be together, that current gut feeling that is telling you to bail will eventually go away.



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