Social Media for Farmers and the Agricultural Industry


You may be surprised to learn that social media and the agricultural industry are becoming close friends. In fact, about 46% of all farmers use social websites on daily basis. In addition, 79% of the farmers in the US have a profile or a page on Facebook. Moreover, people from this industry are considering social media to be one of the most powerful tools for business development. That is because farmers can use social networks for various purposes. Here are some of them.

Connecting with Consumers

Through social media, farmers can directly interact with their clients. Also, they can share videos and photos showing their products and they can show some of the working processes on their farm. In that way, farmers can establish a transparent relationship with their customers.

Also, social media can help people in the agricultural business to find which are the most needed and valued products in the sector. They can do that by communicating with other users and by following people’s activity on their social pages.

Look for Advice

Almost everyone has a social profile. Therefore, farmers can easily find and connect with other farmers or even experts in the agricultural field. Today, they no longer need to spend hours or even days in search for a good advice. Now farmers can simply send a tweet or a message to someone who they think may help them and they will instantly receive a response. Moreover, there are special social pages that exclusively aim at helping people in the agricultural industry. For example, let’s say that your crops are attacked by pests and you don’t know how to handle the situation. You can message some more experienced farmer or advisor and they will give you valuable ideas in a matter of minutes.


Social media can be so effective for farmers and their business that now there are even special programs who teach people in the sector to use social media. In addition, many countries and districts hold farmer conferences which discuss and focus entirely on social websites.

Social media is a great tool for farmers and people in the agricultural industry. The benefits from this technology are many and the faster farmers understand that the faster their business will grow.

*By New Media Group – the most powerful independent content marketer and social media services provider in Dubai and the wider region. The firm publishes, and it is preparing the launch of For inquiries, please write to


  1. I agree that agricultural is closed with social media. By using those tools, like funpages, blogs etc., customers could be more aware.


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