How to Use Social Media to Find a Job


Today, many recruiters use social media platforms to find new employees. Even though, some have a hard time accepting this practice and even consider it unprofessional, employers can quickly find potential job candidates if they use social media. That is because most people have profiles in various social networks. In addition, through the social websites employers can easily find more about a candidate’s qualifications, interests and ambitions.

However, if you are searching for a job, you should not only rely on someone to miraculously notice your social profile and call you up for an interview. You should take action and involve heavily in social networking. Here are a few tips that will surely help you in your job hunt:

Create a professional email – Don’t use your personal email address when you apply for a job. Most people choose funny names for their personal email accounts. That, however, does not make a good impression. Therefore, you should create a separate email address only for work related activities. Also, add your full name to the new address. A good idea would be if you create your own signature which will appear at the end of your emails. In it you can include a phone number, website or a blog.

Register with LinkedIn – LinkedIn is a social network that is developed to meet the needs of various professionals. It has many features which you can use to connect to potential employers and other job seekers. When you create your profile, add all the necessary information about your work experience and qualifications. For profile photo use a simple headshot. Also, add some activities and projects on which you have worked like volunteer activities. They may not be related to your desired job, but they will tell a lot about you and your personality.

Build a network of contacts – Use your social media profiles to connect with people that you know like ex-colleagues, for example. Many social websites recommend users that you can follow based on your connections and interests. So make sure you take advantage of that feature. In addition, on LinkedIn you can search for job openings in your professional area.

Be active – That is the most important advice that you should remember. Get involved in job discussions, post comments and may be even reviews. However, be careful with your language and your tone. Do not send offensive messages to other users and, especially, to companies.

Social media can be very helpful to job seekers. It can connect them to big communities, potential employers and other professionals. In addition, social websites can serve you as a basic professional profile or even as a portfolio.


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