Social Media for Construction Companies


Social media networking can help a large variety of businesses and companies. The construction industry makes no exception. Builders and contractors may be surprised to learn that social media can be very useful in their field of operations to find more clients and improve their standard of performance.

Nowadays, having a company website is  not enough to attract new customers. That is because social networks give people the opportunity to voice their opinion and to interact with the company.

Different Platforms, Different Advantages

What is the best social platform for construction companies?

Statistics show that LinkedIn is the most popular social media website among construction firms.  Business executives  explain their decision to join the network with the fact that many professionals are already gathered on LinkedIn.  In addition, this social network allow users to post reviews and to respond to questions asked by other LinkedIn users. That is important, because when you post a question or an answer, you become more visible on the site and the search engines.

Another popular social media platform among construction companies is Facebook. The social network has many features including photo and video uploading, polls and discussions. Construction firms like Facebook, because it enables them to post updates, pictures and news about their current or upcoming projects and  easily reach their clients.

Some businesses from within the construction industry prefer to use Twitter.  Like at  Facebook, there you can also keep your clients updated. However, many companies avoid Twitter, because it limits posts to only 140 characters. In addition, this social platform is less visual compared to Facebook, for example.

If you want to post bigger chunks of information then you can try blogging. On you blog you can publish entire articles and reviews. Also, you can spice them up with some entertaining or interesting pictures.

Slowly but Surely

Many construction companies create a network of social pages. This means that they open a page on many social websites. They do that in order to reach more people. However, do not try this when you first start out. Take a step at a time. Begin with creating a profile on only one social platform. Decide which one will fit your business and goal better. Then start posting. However, don’t get carried away. You only need to inform your audience and not to spam it.

Save Time… and Money

If you have more than one social account and you want to save time updating them, then you can assign them to different employees. Ask your staff to work on them for an hour every day. In that way you won’t even need to hire a SM specialist.

So if you are just starting with social media consider all the things that were mentioned in the article. Use our insights to grow and popularize your construction business.

*By New Media Group – the most powerful independent content marketer and social media services provider in Dubai and the wider region. The firm publishes, and it is preparing the launch of For inquiries, please write to


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