Early voting results in the US favor Obama


According to the early voting results, President Obama leads the elections in the United States. Republican rival Mitt Romney follows closely, show the summary of the first thirty million American votes.

But the real battle is yet to come, because this statistic includes only  early voting results from only 34 states. As a  matter of fact, the factor of free will could play a key role in these president elections because many voters will choose what they think is right and defy their party associations.

Associated Press reported that in Ohio, Iowa, Nevada, North Carolina and Florida is expected a large number of Democratic votes and yet this forecast is still firm even in the day of the elections.

Obama beats Romney with about 11 percent in Iowa and with the massive 16 percent in North Carolina. Though the early voting results are not so clear in Ohio, where the president is only 6 percent ahead and in Florida where the advantage is critical – only 3 percent.

Surprisingly, according to the early voting results in Colorado, where Obama won with 9 percent four year ago, now Romney is ahead.

Apart from free-will voters, there are other factors which affect the early voting results. On the day of the election the Republicans seem to be more active as electorate. Combine this with the weaker advantage in some of the debatable states such as Ohio and you see that these factors aid the Republican Party.

Yet, we can only guess what will happen in all of the shifty states thanks to the free-will electorate. One thing is certain everything will become clear later today.


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