Top 10 Best Jobs in 2012


If you wonder what sort of career you should pursue, then this article may help you decide as it lists the best jobs.

The Job Report for 2012 is already out and it reveals some interesting tendencies. Apparently, IT specialists and medical professionals lead the list of best jobs this year. According to the research, people who work in these sectors are better paid and less stressed. Let’s take a look at this year’s best jobs in the market.

Online Advertising Manager

This is another profession that enters the “best job” list this year. As the online world is growing, this job  is becoming more and more demanded. Currently, there are thousands of available positions fort online ad managers. Their average salary is between $80,000 and $120,000.

Computer System Analyst

The rise of this profession goes hand in hand with the rise of design companies. It is estimated that 25% of all computer system analysts work for such firms. But this profession is also very popular in other sectors. In addition, it comes with one of the lowest stress levels on the job market.


This profession has always been in the top 10. That is because every science requires mathematic skills. Also, some companies prefer to hire mathematicians instead of engineers. This year people who occupy this profession are paid nearly $5,000 more than in 2011.

Software Engineer

People who work as software engineers receive $1,000 more than in 2011. This job position is being dubbed as “the best” over the last couple of years. Given the rapid developments in technology, this tendency is everything but surprising. Even though universities and colleges are opening new programs for software engineering, specialist in this field are still not enough.


Some of you may not be aware of the actuary’s work. These professionals have the tough task to analyze and calculate financial risks. For that purpose, they greatly rely on mathematics, financial theories and statistics. After the financial crisis struck the global economy four years ago, this job turned into a highly respectful profession. In 2012, the pay of actuary reached more than $85,000.

Human Resources Manager

This job position enters the best jobs list for the first time. The profession of HR managers is not for everyone. That is because it requires a high level of good character judgment, foresight and even intuition. So, don’t wonder why HR people are can be paid even a stunning $99,000 per year.

Dental Hygienist

Don’t mistake this profession with the one of dentists. Dental hygienists are those who clean teeth and check if the patients suffer from some oral disease. It is not quite clear why this profession ranked so high. Analysts believe that this may be due to the fact that people’s dental hygiene is lower than ever, which also may be attributed to the effects of the financial crisis. Also, most dental students prefer to become dentists and not dental hygienists. As a result, there are many open spots for such professionals.

Financial Planner

Those who work as financial planners have a very impressive salaries – somewhere between $100,000 and 500,000. Compared to 2011, the numbers increased a little. In other words, this year financial planners get more money. These professionals are called up by both common people and big corporations.


Audiologists are doctors who deal with people’s hearing problems. These professionals receive a salary of over $70,000. But why is that? Is it because of the headphones we wear on daily basis. Don’t worry, that is not why audiologists are so demanded on the job market right now. The true reason behind that hides in the fact that today there are not many young “audio” doctors. Most audiologists are pretty old and will soon retire.

Occupational Therapist

These therapists treat people who suffer from illnesses, injuries or disabilities that doesn’t allow them to work. In 2012, occupational therapists receive about $72,100 which is 2% more than last year.

If you are about to start your college education or job search, you may consider trying out in one of these professions. However, keep in mind that job trends tend to change every 2-3 years.


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