Social Media for Franchisors


During the last few years there is a new trend among franchisors and the franchising industry as a whole. More and more people in the business start to extensively use social media in their work. Social websites are a good advertising platform since they are very popular and also free. However, franchising is a more specific business and it involves matters like privacy, trademarks, copywrites and even law. That is why franchisors need to be very careful when it comes to social networks. There are many things that they should know before they start a “social” advertising campaign. Now we will introduce you to the most important of them.

Learn the State Laws

There are many state laws that concern franchising and social media. If you are not aware of them you will not only ruin your campaign, but also get in some serious trouble. The main rule that you should remember is to never advertise products and events using untrue information. Also, when it comes to trademark and copywrite material, always ask for a permission before you post it or use it in your campaign.

Another thing you should avoid doing is violating the privacy of your fans or followers. Often franchisors use social websites to learn more about their customers. However, sometimes things can get out of hand. Therefore, you should use only the traditional insight tools provided by the social network you are using.

Don’t forget to see whether your country allows the use of social media in franchising. Some states and franchise organizations have prohibited the franchising campaign in social websites.

Content Tips & Ideas

If you want to attract a wider audience you should come up with unique and smart content. Finding interesting pictures and articles is ok, but it will gain you new users more slowly. What you can do is to organize different contests. Also, provide small rewards for the winners or the most active users.

Another good idea is to offer regular weekly discounts. Post special deals and offers. However, remember to repost it every day. In that way you will remind your followers about the weekly promo.

Franchisors must be careful when it comes to social media. Knowing the laws and the regulations is the first step to a successful and untarnished campaign. The second is the engaging content.

*By New Media Group – the most powerful independent content marketer and social media services provider in Dubai and the wider region. The company publishes,,, For inquiries, please write to


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