Muscle-enhancing bodybuilding could be hazardous for youngsters


A study on muscle-enhancing behavior of young boys and girls was published by the journal of Pediatrics in the United States. Pediatricians rise concerns about boys who try to achieve muscular bodies by unhealthy techniques, something that only genetics can provide. The fact that boys are willing to do anything to have Atlas bodies is alarming.

More than 40% of the boys who took part in the research said they did regular exercise to increase their muscle mass. 38% of the boys admitted they took protein supplements, illegal steroids were taken by almost 6%. Totally 90% of the reviewed boys exercised at least occasionally.

According to the psychiatry professor at Harvard, Dr. Harrison Pope, the image of the perfect male body as for social opinion strikingly altered for a generation. While bodybuilding could be considered common amongst college-age young men, it shocked doctors when practiced by even middle school boys. Trying to be more muscular and manly boys can actually slow their development, especially if they use protein supplements, or even worse, steroids.

Many of the girls in the research also admitted they changed their diet and exercise habits, 21% said they used protein supplements, and 5% – steroids. Media images of the perfect feminine body has also changed for a generation – beautiful now means skinny and strong, but not curvy and fragile.

Many supplements are not regulated like drugs, that is why their use is so concerning – you can never know what exactly is in them. Because these substances haven’t been analyzed in detail, they can be very dangerous. For example, some of them contain anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids stop the production of testosterone in men, which is why they are so hazardous. Teenagers started to post in social networks and forums their body fat percentages, as well as images of ripped athletes. These pictures and videos, or fitness inspiration were banned from sites for promoting anorexia.

Some of the boys simply want to be stronger, while others want to change their body type. Most boys naturally prefer a healthy and drug-free ways to achieve their goals, but many are tempted to speed up the process and use supplements that may not be side effects free.


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