Gossip Girl, High Tech Gadgets and Blogging Culture


In few weeks from now, the last episode of Gossip Girl will reveal to the Dubai’s TV audience the mysterious identity of the most popular blogger characters. Some won’t be surprised at all, others will long for them and few will be relieved.

Beautiful people with bad habits, branded refined outfits and high-class interiors, latest mobile devices advertisement – all will be quickly forgotten! Except Blogging!If you want a blog of your own, take advantage on easy blogging solutions and debut on the Web!

XoXo Gossip Girl shows off a Windows Phone! XoXo, a screen full of Windows 8!

Microsoft tablets and phones are now on display, since the company became a sponsor as many other companies too. High technology happens to be crucial to many plot developments as the producers of the show decided to integrate a blogger in the narration. Gossip Girl sends messages, videos are records on cellphones, and in fact, half of the action takes place on websites, social networks and e-mails. Almost like your real life…

Welcome to New York’s Upper East Side – the wealthy and connected teenagers who go to fancy parties, deal with their dramatic love lives and pretend for everything. In this world, if nobody knows you, or more exactly, if nobody talks about you, you are no one. And since talking nowadays is mostly through the phone or Internet, gossip becomes e-mails, and tattlers become bloggers.

During the last episode on DubaiOne TV Serena was looking up for Thanksgiving recipes on Windows 8 tablet. Nate and Chuck stole the phone of Chuck’s father business manager, which was a Windows phone. Microsoft is the rediscovered trend it seems!

The other sponsor of the show is Hewlett-Packard and they also took care of their product advertising – Serena showed up with a HP Envy 14 Spectre laptop, even before the sales were launched.

Antagonists in the show, however, don’t use Windows devices. Bart Bass who was dead and just recently came back to life uses BlackBerry, so maybe there’s a clause in the product placement contract that only the hottest characters should have Microsoft phones and tablets.

A few years ago, everything displayed in the series started to turn into a real-life runaway trend. Girls and women started to copy Serena or Blair’s clothing, and fashion designers wanted the schoolgirl’s dresses, boots and blazers on their shows. Microsoft products sales reached record numbers in the last couple of years, and one of the reasons for that is Gossip Girl. Young people actually began to copy Gossip Girl’s technology.

Dubai also appeared in the first episod of Gossip Girls’s sixth season.

XoXo- Gossip Girl turns out to be a boy! Xoxo – fashionable could turn out to be nowadays just an advertising dollar!


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