Will networking really save your job?


In the current economic environment, many people are really scared of losing their jobs or businesses. This may sound as a negative prospect but it is rather a reality overview. The disturbing fact is that people can become unemployed even if they are good at what they do. In order to survive in the current situation, many have opted for a change. Businesses have turned to publishing, pay phones and all other various diversifications in order to meet the exceptions of todays customers.

Yet some businesses are going out of fashion, which actually means out of business, as we walk into the virtual age. Businesses such as newspaper printing, video lending, photo processing and many more now are just a sentimental memory to the past in most of the urbanized parts of the world. The truth is that no chance can bring back their popularity, because they are simply not convenient any more.

So if you own such business, how can you survive in the current reality? Certainly you can put more effort in your work or even start side project to shift to your next career. If you want to have a job and ensure its future, consider what you should not over-invest in it.

Experts believe that if your network is big enough, you can trust in it. Your network could save you in any situation even forthcoming unemployment. Approximately 25% of the business topic bestseller have your career survival as a major concern. And in almost all of them is underlined how the future belongs to networking. But will networking save your career for sure?

Below are few reasons why networking is not really a life saver!

Firstly, most people are simply not good at networking. Most middle aged people find it really hard and confusing to find a job over the network. A big portion of them will give up and retire if it comes to this. Simply, they don’t enjoy and respectively won’t do networking.

The second reason is that the people whom you know could be gone. If you have lost track of your networking, suddenly you will come to find that many of the people you know have vanished. Everything changes, as well as people. Some retire, others move into a new field or even die. In such cases they cannot help much.

Third, the fellows in your industry sector also can disappear. It is natural to have friends from the industry field you work in as you share interests. And when this industry falls into distress, everyone is in danger. You may want to help, your friends may want your help, but in hard times things go otherwise. Sometime the question is me or them.

Last, your skill and experience could go out of date. Well, this is may sound harsh or even sad, but it happens! As said before everything changes, and nowadays this happens fast! The world could have become a lot different as you blindly worked over the past decades. If you are not part of the future it is most likely to stay in the past despite any network.

Finally just consider everything you have read above. To have good networking skills will be always a plus. Though don’t rely on it as a safe bet or a life saver.


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