10 Rules For Creating a Great First Impression


Have you ever been to business meeting and worrying whether and how people are going to notice and remember you? In business, the first impressions you give a client or a business partner are crucial to your future business relationship and show how prepared you are.

Usually it takes only a glance, no more than a few seconds for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time. You should strive to make a good first impression that you you would be able to keep in the long run. During the first encounter the person in front of you forms an opinion about you, based on your appearance, your body language, your demeanor, and your clothes. These first impressions in business, as in social situations, are nearly impossible to reverse, so that’s why they are so important in the future relationships.

So how can you be sure if the person will like you or not, if, in general, first impressions are entirely subjective? Well, there are a few simple rules that you can follow in order to create a good first impression.

Be on time. Always plan to arrive a few minutes early. The person who is meeting you for the first time won’t be interested in your good excuse. This is the first step to creating a good impression.
Try to create a personal relationship first. Don’t start talking about business right away; try to connect with the client or future partner on a personal level.
Introduce yourself correctly. Look the person in the eye and say your name slowly and clearly. Remember to smile. Greet the person by name, and tell them you are pleased to meet them or thank them for meeting with you. This will show your confidence and positive attitude.
Handshake. This is one of the most important things in creating a good first impression. Give a firm handshake, stand tall and smile. You should shake hands with the person on every subsequent meeting, if not, it will be considered very rude.
Present yourself appropriately. Physical appearance always matters, but it doesn’t mean you have to look like a model. Clean and tidy appearance, a good haircut or shave, and of course, consider well the way you dress. Appropriate dress code in business meetings varies for different cultures and countries, so pay attention to all traditions and norms if meeting a foreigner.
Make an organized, prepared and confident presentation. Visualize the people in the room where you are going to give a presentation. Organize everything in your head in order to feel comfortable. Make sure to have good eye contact with your audience, change the tone of your voice if you feel the people are not listening to you. Don’t speak fast as if you want the meeting/presentation is over more quickly.
Business cards. If you have a board meeting, give them in the end, but at a networking meeting give them after you shook hands. If you are at a sales meeting, the cards should be given at the beginning. When you give them remember to tell a short story, people may forget your name, and the card won’t mean anything to them, but they will remember the story.
Be yourself. Of course, for a good first impression, you will have to fit in to some degree. But it doesn’t mean a total conformity; just express yourself appropriately within the business context.
Be at your best behavior. Be polite and show good manners by turning off your mobile phone. Your new acquaintance deserves 100 percent of your attention!
Small talk. One of the most important features of human relations is the conversation. So, don’t be afraid to learn something about the other person beforehand. If you have something in common, open a conversation and keep it flowing.


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