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New Stomach Bug Spreads Across the Globe


A new strain of stomach bug is attacking the world and the U.S. is already under its grip. The North American country experienced over 140 outbreaks in the period September 2012 – January 2013. The new stomach bug results from a norovirus (also known as Norwalk virus) of the Sydney strain. Moreover, it is now spreading across other parts of the world like Japan and Western Europe.

The strain was first found in Australia. That is why it was named the GII.4 Sydney strain. For those of you who don’t know, norovirus is a very contagious virus. It spreads quickly in contained environments. Those are, for example nursing homes, cruise ships and schools. In addition, outbreaks increase in the winter since this is the time when it is most active. Among the symptoms of the new stomach bug are diarrhea and vomiting. That is why it is often confused for simple stomach flu.

According to medical experts, the new stomach bug attacks with an extreme speed. People can manifest the strain’s symptoms only a few hours after they were infected. As a result, in the States, the outbreaks of the norovirus have now jumped from 53% to 58%.

The Sydney strain is characterized with high levels of hospitalization and even death. Specialists inform that norovirus outbreaks are very powerful and they can spread extremely quickly. However, they state that there are cases in which this does not happen.

Who You Can Get Infected?

There are a few ways in which people can get infected. The first one is when they touch contaminated objects and surfaces and then touch their month. Another possible way in which the strain can get into your system is when you consume food or drinks that are contaminated and not rinsed. In addition, you can get infected if you are in direct contact with a person who is carrying the bug. For example, you are sharing food, drinks, eating utensils and etc. In addition, it can spread in the air.

Carriers of the virus can infect others while they are sick and 3 days after the symptoms of the strain have disappeared.

How Can You Protect Yourself and the Others Around You?

The best way to protect yourself is by giving your hands a nice wash with a soap and water often. Vegetables and fruits should be rinsed and surfaces should not only be washed and cleaned, but also disinfected. In addition, people who are sick from the Sydney norovirus must not cook. Also, they should limit their contacts with others.

Every year noroviruses infect 21 million people. About 800 of them die. In some, areas in the world, the norovirus is the main cause of food poisoning.



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