Mobile advertising to become more sophisticated in pricey


Google revealed that it will change significantly its strategy for selling ads on mobile devices. The company hopes it will resolve some current issues.

Google will no longer let advertisers put the controls for desktop and mobile advertising campaigns in one place. In addition, the giant will provide additional information to advertisers. That will help them see whether their ad campaigns are successful or not.

This may turn to become the most significant innovation in advertising for the past few years. At least 50% of desktop hits’ value is taken up by searches done on mobile devices. That is why experts have found mobile advertising to be among Google’s key future priorities and obstacles. Things will be even more difficult for the company if it does not manage to even the cost of mobile and desktop ads.

Mobile advertising is emerging as a problem because of a few main reasons. One of them is that mobile ads are often more annoying. That is due to the fact that the screens of the mobile devices are smaller. As a result, most ads take up a big part of the display’s size. The other problem is that mobile campaigns are harder to popularize. Some time ago, Google’s program AdWords asked companies to prepare different ad campaigns for the different models of smartphones and tablets. That is hard to do since advertisers need to develop and conduct a huge number of similar advertising campaigns, but with different sizes.

But after Google introduces the new changes, advertisers will have the power to maintain different aspects of one campaign. Also, they will have the chance to personalize desktop and mobile ads and make them suitable for various times and locations.

For instance, a business owner will be able to create a desktop advertisement for his regular clients and include a mobile ad which will show a phone number to which consumers can call. In addition, business owners can choose their campaign to be shown more to people who use mobile devices and are living in their targeted area. Also, they will have the option to change the targeting whenever they want to. Such features will make the execution of mobile ad campaigns easier.

Google will also provide advertisers with additional tools and information on the reach and success rate of their campaigns. Advertisers will have the option of compare mobile ad campaigns and recognize their advantages. That will also increase the prices of these ads which is Google’s goal.

These tools will be available only to advertisers who already have an account in Google and use it across all devices. In other words, these benefits will be accessible only to a group of advertisers. In addition, if prices of mobile and desktop ads equalize, online advertising will require bigger budgets.

Also, Google should make advertisers pay more attention and thought to the data they spread across the devices. If that happens, ads will be more successful and helpful to consumers. In addition, this will force marketers to carefully consider the products they offer and the timing of it. However, that means that advertisers will need to find a way to do all that themselves or team up with a company, that offers such services. Mobile advertising is a huge theme in 2013 and it will provide tremendous opportunities for people in the know.


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