How Small Business Can Take Advantage of Mobile Craze


Towards the end of 2012, the share of mobile devices’ users surpassed 50%. Currently there are about 50 million people who use tablet PCs and 125 million who own smartphones… only in the US. In the UK, the numbers are very similar. The total amount of mobile users around the world is even more staggering. Nearly 3 billion mobile devices are registered for services. In addition, nearly half of the time spent online is through mobile devices.

Also, mobile gadgets are no longer used only outside consumers’ home. Many households, for example, have tablets which are exclusively used in the house. That means that the geographical locations revealed by mobile electronics are becoming more useful for small companies and stores. Therefore, small businesses should take full advantage and use the mobile craze the best way they can. However, for that to happen, companies need to first change some of their marketing strategies. Here are a few things small businesses can do as a start:

Improve Company Website – Most businesses today have their own sites which they use to connect with clients and to keep them updated and informed. But many of them have not changed their design, widgets or even their colours in years. In the modern world we live in, that is equal to ages. So, a good thing for this companies would be to refresh and upgrade their websites. However, that is not done purely for aesthetic purposes. Companies need to try to make their sites more responsive to mobile devices. If your website loads and looks well on a PC or laptop browser that does not necessarily mean that it will look the same on smartphones and tablets.

Windows Apps StoreDevelop Mobile Apps – Small companies that can afford to develop mobile applications should not be afraid to do it. However, make sure you create a good app. For example, offer social integration, push notifications, e-commerce search engine and etc. The better you make it, the more your consumers will use it. If you do not have the staff or the skills to build an app, you can always hire a developer. In addition, there are special websites which can create an app for you following your original idea. Remember, that mobile apps are presently one of the most efficient ways to attract new consumers and to quickly spread brand awareness.

Mobile Ads – Small businesses can benefit a lot from platforms for ad targeting. Through them, companies can choose to target only a specific group of users. In that way they will be sure that they are not spending their money in the wrong direction. Many popular social networks offer ad platforms. Some will even allow you use the service for a certain free of charge trial period.

Use What You Have… or What You Don’t Have – If your company cannot afford to develop its own app or to pay for mobile ad targeting, then you can make use of already existing applications that are popular among users. For example, there are a number of recommendation apps. Consumers use them to share reviews or to rate companies. Also, there are various check-in mobile apps. They inform a consumer’s friends when he or she goes to some place like a restaurant, shop and etc. These apps can quickly spread the word for your business. So use them!


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