Dubai to have mandatory green building rules


Building Department of Dubai Municipality has intensified its efforts in educating and training in the field of green building under the slogan ‘Be Educated on Green Buildings’.
This comes in sync with the nearness of the mandatory green building rules and regulation on all buildings of the emirate to be executed in 2014. Currently, it is optional for private buildings.

Eng. Yusuf Abdullah, Acting Director of Buildings Department said that the awareness and educational program designed by the department includes a number of activities such as training courses, seminars, exhibitions, publications and advertisements in all means of media targeting all categories of the society from consultants, contractors, suppliers, manufactures and developers. The program also contains special activities for public and students.

Eng. Abdullah Al Shezavi, Head of Rehabilitation and Building Studies Section, said we have started the program with a seminar and exhibition under the title ‘My Green Environment’ held during 28-29 January 2013 aimed at introducing the public about the methods and procedures of building their own houses in a sustainable way as well as to encourage them towards the green building considering its environmental benefits.
The department also participated in Middle East Electricity 2013 held during 17-19 February 2013 showcasing the efforts of the department along with the green building rules and specifications in place in the emirate, in addition to a number of green products including the solar water heaters that became mandatory in all buildings in Dubai according to a new decision.

Moreover, the department participated in ME Green Energy 2013 held in 18 February 2013 with the presentation of Eng. Abdullah Rafia , Assistant Director General highlighting the efforts of DM in the field of sustainable development and use of green energy.
A monthly seminar on this topic has been conducted in the city hall of Dubai Municipality which is updated on DM website.

The green building rules and specifications are now made available on DM website and the public can contact and interact with DM in this regard through the website and email :



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