Surprising Facts about Raspberry Ketones


Rasphberry Ketones 100One of the newest and very popular weight loss strategies is the raspberry ketone diet which is said to offer a real hope for overweight and obese people. But before you start taking raspberry ketones there are a few facts you should know about this proclaimed weight-loss miracle in a bottle.

The raspberry ketone is the natural compound found in red raspberries which gives them their signature scent. Until recently, these ketones were only used in perfume and food industries, but now they are being sold as a potent weight loss supplements. Manufacturers claim that this compound helps your body burn the stored fat more efficiently, leading to fast weight loss. But is it true? Before buying a bottle of hope, you’d better take a look at some surprising facts and misconceptions about the raspberry ketones.

First of all, raspberry ketones have never been tested on humans in any scientific studies. There are only two studies on rats and one in vitro (in single cells) that show some effects that can be distantly related to weight loss in humans. The first mice study found that male rats fed on raspberry ketones had increased secretion of hormone adiponectin which is secreted by fat cells and helps the body burn fat. The second study included mice on high-fat diet and according to the results, the more raspberry ketones they were given, the less fat tissue they gained. Scientists in another study exposed fat cells in a test tube to raspberry ketones and discovered that the compound stimulated the breakdown of the fat cells. In fact, science considers all these as preliminary researches, which have nothing to do with serious, double-blinded studies on real humans which can give actual results.

Then, what about all these claims on TV and ads? They are nothing but hype because there is no real evidence to back them up. There have never been tests about safety, dosage amounts, and potential harmful side effects, as well.

When you buy a raspberry ketone supplement, make sure to read the fine print on the bottle. On U.S. manufactured supplements you will notice the sentence: This information has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, nor has it gone through the rigorous double-blind studies required before a particular product can be deemed truly beneficial or potentially dangerous and prescribed in the treatment of any condition or disease. Or at least, you should. All dietary supplements don’t need approval from the FDA before they are marketed and sold to the public. The case is similar in most countries. In comparison, medications undergo very careful testing and evaluation which can take years before approval.

Of course, whether to take raspberry ketones, or not, depends only on buyers. Since there is still no evidence of harmful effects on the human body, doctors say we can take it. Effectiveness for weight loss is completely different matter, but whatever you decide, you should know that there is no magical pill for instant weight loss. If you really want to lose weight, eat less and move more!


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