Foster Care Officially Debutes in UAE


Emirati couples and single mothers now have the opportunity to give a home and a chance for better life to abandoned children. The program Ihtidan, or Embrace, will place abandoned children in the custody and care of families where they will be given social and educational support.

Although the number of abandoned children is no more than 15 to 20 every year, the Community Development Authority (CDA) is determined to provide better options and a real family environment to them. CDA Director-General, Khaled Al Kamda revealed the launch of the Embrace, a social program which will help abandoned children to live with a family and lead a normal life. According to the Federal Law of 2012, abandoned children in the UAE are children living in the country without parents or extended family. The program aims to take the out of institutions and integrate them into real families, proving quality healthcare and education, psychological and social support, as well as warm family atmosphere.

Families interested in caring for abandoned children will be able to apply for foster parents at the CDA, taking into consideration the conditions required. First, the family should an Emirati Muslim living in the country, with spouses aged 25 and over. Single mothers will also have the right to become foster parents, only aged 30 or more. Of course, the candidates should not carry any infectious diseases or psychological disorder which may have negative effects on the health and development of the child. Parents should also provide documents to prove their financial independence and capability to look after a child. The procedure will include a trial period of six months during which the CDA Family Development Department will need to see positive results in order to finalize the process.

What is a foster care and is it different from adoption? Foster care is the system which gives the right of families and single adults to take responsibility and care for a child without parents and close relatives. Usually foster parents are compensated by the authorities, the government, or the state for their expenses. This type of care has its roots in England, and later, in its modern sense, it became popular in the United States where special organizations helped orphaned, abused or neglected children to live in foster families. International practice shows that foster care is usually intended to be a short term solution until a permanent decision can be made. In many cases, foster parents eventually adopt the children they have taken care of, and become legally responsible for every aspect of their lives.

CDA Family Development Department director Dr. Huda Al Suwaidi admitted that the essence of the Embrace initiative lies within the basic concepts of Islam and the fundaments of Arab culture. He also pointed out the importance of this initiative in modern society. Families interested in foster care can visit the official website of the CDA where the application form is available for download. After completion, the form should be submitted to the Alternative Families Department, the 4th floor of the Community Development Authority, Dubai. For more information on application documents and requirements, call 8002121.


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