How Many Social Networks Do We Really Need?


Social networks transformed the way we connect and communicate with people. We can now find old friends and add them to our contact list or spend hours in meaningless discussions with our closest people.

Even though the popularity of these websites is currently declining, new social networks are being created every day. The market is filled with thematic platforms for socializing which try to lure more users by adding irrelevant features like bigger profile pictures or more expressive emoticons. The result – one endless confusion. The more choice we are given, the less we are able to actually decide on something. That is mainly due to three main issues:
Too Many Options

You will be amazed to see how many social websites there are today. Simply type “social network for” in some search engine and you will get a nearly endless list of suggestions. There are social platforms for travelers, foodies, gamers, musicians, artists, expats, couples and even pets and kids. However, the majority of users are not limited only to one of these categories and they don’t have just one hobby. Let’s say, for example, that you are an actor who enjoys traveling particularly to Italy because of the local cuisine. That makes about three or four types of social websites. Some would say: “Well, why not create profiles in all of them?” The answer is time management issue.

Finding the Time

As you probably know, creating a profile in some social website is not enough to call yourself a user of that platform. You need to frequently visit and update your profile. Also, you need to connect with other users. Just try to calculate the amount of time you are going to need for four or more social networks. Lately, online social experience comes down to one endless scrolling and browsing through other people’s updates. As a result, you end up signing out without actually sending any messages or updating your own status.

Therefore, probably the solution here is simply picking one social network and sticking to it, right? Actually that sounds easier that it is in reality.

Fish Swim in Different Oceans

When selecting a social website, you need to go where your closest connections and friends are. But the truth is that most of them are scattered like fish in a big ocean. Some prefer to use photos to express their present emotions and thoughts, while others rely on the power of words. There are also those who want to use strictly thematic social websites that focus on a particular theme, hobby, profession, interest and etc. So even if X, Y and Z are using your final choice of social platform, the other letters from your friends’ list will not be there. Another question rises here: Do you connect with all of your social connections?


The average social network user has about 200 – 250 friends or followers. Nevertheless, he or she communicates actively with less than 7 of them. The rest of the list is just hanging on your profile like ghosts from your past or a reminder of your present. Here is where online socializing loses its meaning. It seems that “social” in social network stands only for the exchange of “friendship” or “follow-backs.” After that comes something not much different from stalking, gossiping or plain indifference.

Bottom Line

Social networks are both a blessing and a curse. As a matter of fact, that is the case with nearly all modern technologies. Cell phones, for instance, now come with functions like email, calendars, texting and many more. They have made connecting easier, but they have also made you extremely reachable, so to say. Shortly put, you can’t escape from work, requests and calls from individuals of which you are not really fond.

The “blessing” of social networks is that they connect us in a brand new way. Their “curse’ – this connection creates even more distance between us. Live personal contact is limited to the minimum and we spend our free time communicating with the screens of our computer devices.

So how many social networks do you think we need? Please share your views in the comments bellow.


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