World Gets New Armageddon Date


Only a little over half a year ago, the world was preparing for the Apocalypse “predicted” by the Maya civilization. While some people were too busy preparing for the Christmas holidays, other were building up reserves of water, food, flashlights and emergency kits. December 21st, 2012 had the proportions of a craze, rather than a fear. Well, World, prepare to hear the latest Doom news! A new theory suggests that the world will end in 2,000,002,013.

The theory was presented at the National Astronomy meeting held at the University of Saint Andrews in Scotland. According to it, most of the life on Earth will disappear in about 2 billion years.

The most interesting part of this prediction is that the cause for the Apocalypse will not be the high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Contrary to most modern forecast, it will be the exact opposite scenario that will destroy the Earth.

The theory states that over the next few billion years, the Sun will become more luminous. As a result, the heat on our home planet will reach extreme levels. They, on the other hand, will lead to higher water evaporation. This is where CO2 steps in! Apparently, the greater evaporation levels will decrease the amount to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to such an extent that plants will die out. As you probably know, animals will not be able to survive without them. Humans too will have little food options and, therefore, will disappear around the same time.

Only a small number of microbiological species will have a chance to survive in conditions of extreme ultraviolet radiation and temperatures. Nevertheless, they will be confined to small water pockets in dark and inhospitable places like caves, for example. But they may also disappear in another 0.8 billion years.

According to PhD microbiologists from the University of Saint Andrews, jack O’Malley James, “the far-future Earth will be very hostile to life.”

But although quite grim, this may be the most positive Armageddon prediction. In most of the cases, the world’s end is “scheduled” for a date in the next 200 years.


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