Introducing Amazon Art


Customers can now shop on Amazon for fine art from prestigious galleries and dealers located around the United States, Inc. today announced the launch of Amazon Art (, a marketplace that gives customers direct access to more than 40,000 works of fine art from over 150 galleries and dealers. At launch, Amazon Art will showcase artworks from more than 4,500 artists. The store is one of the largest online collections of original and limited edition artwork for purchase directly from galleries and dealers. The new store features easy-to-use discovery tools to help open the art world to customers and offers detailed information about the works of art. Customers can explore fine art from galleries of all sizes across the United States.

Access to Gallery Selection

Customers seeking access to high quality, gallery selection can now explore a wide variety of fine art on Amazon. The Amazon Art store demystifies the world of art and allows every customer the chance to enjoy a gallery experience. From Folk Art to Impressionism to Modern Art, Amazon Art features a broad selection to suit any customer, from the experienced collector to a first-time art buyer. Customers can browse unique works of art, including photographs from Clifford Ross starting at $200, popular fine art like Andy Warhol’s “Sachiko” for $45,000, historic artwork from Claude Monet including, “L’Enfant a la tasse, portrait de Jean Monet” for $1.45 million and works from iconic artists such as Norman Rockwell’s “Willie Gillis: Package from Home” for $4.85 million.

Expansive Collection of Art

Amazon Art offers artworks from galleries of all sizes from across the US and includes galleries located in the UK, the Netherlands and Canada. The new Amazon Art store aims to connect fine art from prominent galleries directly to customers. With a broad range of price points, the store increases the accessibility of quality works of art enabling any customer to become a collector.

Easy Search and Discoverability

Amazon Art provides customers with high quality images and detailed information about the artwork all in one place. Customers can learn about the work of art, the artist, the provenance and exhibition history and browse additional artworks from the artist or gallery. For example, artist Antoine Rose from Emmanuel Fremin Gallery provides a detailed description for customers interested in his aerial photography. The artwork is described as a “…panorama captured from helicopter in a bird’s eye view. The miniature-like representation of Hamptons beach transforms the natural aerial landscape into abstract painting and inscribes Rose’s work in a minimalist artistic approach.”

When customers shop on Amazon Art, they can narrow search results to meet their tastes by using filters such as subject, style, color, size, price and gallery, enabling them to find favorite artists and discover new ones.

Galleries and dealers interested in selling on Amazon Art can contact the company.


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