Organize Your Mailbox By Our Rules


Do you log in your mailbox and find tens or even hundreds of new messages everyday, in addition to a pile of awaiting opening older emails? Sounds familiar, isn’t it? We all know people who seem to be unable to handle their inbox and the entire mess of spam messages, promotions and advertisements and actual letters, even though Google’s latest update to the Gmail made it easier for users to navigate between different mail inboxes.

However, there are few practical tips you may find helpful to organize your mailbox and deal with the annoying inbox overload. Below we have highlighted ten basic rules and working strategies to help you organize your mailbox.

1. Send less email

It is a simple rule – send less to receive less emails. Sometimes it can be difficult, especially when you work with a lot of people and you send each other projects, ideas, and so on. And whenever you response, the number of emails jumps. Soon, you notice there is an entire network of people sending and receiving emails – you, your contacts, their contacts, etc. Online communication can be much simpler – email your contacts only when it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, you can end up with tons of messages you just don’t need.

2. Use the option “mark as unread”

Once you log in, you can easily delete irrelevant messages, respond to urgent ones, and simply mark as unread all others. So, you can leave them and get back to them whenever you are more free. Basically, it is a great option that helps you to organize your mailbox, if you need to separate the priority content from everything else.

3. Create an email routine

Check your inbox at the same time every day. People who work in offices do that every morning, while others every evening. But, for your personal mail, you have to choose a time of the day that is most convenient for you. Usually, it is best if you organize your mailbox early in the day, before all other chores and duties. So, you won’t forget and won’t be busy doing something else. Of course, you can also check the unread messages on your smart phone while you are in the bus or waiting in the line in the grocery after work.

4. Avoid sending ambiguous emails

Try to write in a clear, precise way, so that the receiver understands everything without asking for additional explanations. Sometimes confusion can lead to a job badly done, so it’s essential that your communication is direct and precise. Your inbox certainly doesn’t need explanation emails. Use simple words and short sentences. Writing emails is not a like writing novels.

5. The To: and Cc: fields are not the same

Many people still think, mistakenly, the Cc line is for multiple addresses or is just the same as the To line. Actually, the To field is for people who will be directly affected by the message, it is FOR them. In other words, you will expect a response from them. And the Cc line is for people who just need to be informed like your whole working team for example.

6. Response fast

If you are in To field of someone’s letter, try to response as soon as you can. This means the sender really needs to hear Ok, Thanks, Got it, from you and knows that you have received it.

7. Be careful with your tone

You don’t need to use inappropriate language in your email when you are angry with someone. It is better to say what you feel in his or her face after sometime, instead of exchanging unpleasant or personal letters. If it is not about work, leave it out of your company mailbox.

8. Protect yourself against Spam

Most of the larger companies use business software to protect their employees from unwanted emails, be it promotional or entertaining. However, at home you can’t use such protection, neither on your personal device. The easiest way to protect all your devices is by selecting a product that offers a multiple use. We recommend two options: McAfee All Access 2013 and Kaspersky ONE.

9. Do not open many mailboxes

Two mailboxes, one personal and one for business, usually is more than enough. The more email addresses you have, more time you will need to organize your mailboxes. If it necessary to maintain a few mail addresses, you may use forwarding function and streamline all your mail into one mailbox.

10. Don’t give your email address easily

Salons, children’s classes, shops and all other services you use need your email address just to send you their new or promotional offers. Magazines and newspapers also love to send you newsletters at leasts once a day. Be selective! You don’t need to waste your time reading about nail polish or summer camps for years.


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