GCC to Introduce Schengen-Like Visa System


Gulf countries are planning on creating an automatic system that will be focused on exchanging information through the web. That was announced by a GCC official. The purpose of the system will be to establish a single system for tourist visas.

Gulf countries have a common agreement according to which they will need to adopt various technical elements. One of them is the above-mentioned automatic system. It will be able to connect GCC countries. For that to happen, the system will include different levels of the interconnected structures and processes of each of the Gulf governments.

The question has already been examined at the meeting between the Tourist Cooperation Committees of GCC and AGCC. The meeting took place in 2012, at AGCC’s Chambers of commerce and industry in Fujairah. The matters discussed during the event are reported to have been taken into great consideration.

In addition, GCC is soon expected to complete a statute for consumer protection, as well as a law for all Gulf countries against trade fraud. The purpose of the two new laws will be to establish protection rights for each of the sides involved in the process of manufacturing. These include exporters, importers, producers, distributors, consumers, as well as the economic climate.

In the meantime, security insiders revealed that the draft bill for a single tourist visa for GCC members will soon be ready. It is expected to go in force in the summer of 2014 after a few technical procedures are completed. The single tourist visa for the Gulf countries will resemble Europe’s Schengen Visitor Visa.

It is reported that the draft bill will be focused on aspects that have to do with GCC’s member countries’ partnership in the sphere of security. The bill will allow the establishment of shares GCC information and security enquiry. That will enable the granting of GCC visa with no reservation at all.

Visitors who have such visas will be able to travel freely to every Gulf country. The system will include a blacklist and a record of people who are not allowed to enter the GCC region.


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