7. Make friends with friends-of-friends. “Triadic closure” is the term for the fact that people tend to befriend the friends of their friends. So friends-of-friends is an excellent place to start if you’re trying to expand your circle.
8. Be aware of cultural differences. One commenter noted that now that she lived in the United States, she missed the kind of easy, drop-by-your-house friendships that she’d had in Australia. She just didn’t seem able to make those close friends. But friendship intensity isn’t the problem, just cultural practice. In some places, even a very close friend wouldn’t be likely to drop by your house unannounced — no matter how those crazy kids behaved on the TV show Friends. So try to be aware of how friendship signals may be different in different places.
What other strategies have you used to help build friendship? And what challenges have you faced? The ones I hear the most are 1) lack of time and 2) new place with no network to draw upon. What about you?
*Article by Gretchen Rubin, one of the most thought-provoking and influential writers on happiness. Her books Happier at Home and The Happiness Project
were both instant New York Times best sellers, and The Happiness Project has spent more than two years on the bestseller list.