Dubai Courts Aims To Tap Into Social Media Popularity


The General Manager of Dubai Courts, H.E. Dr. Ahmed Saeed Bin Hazeem has inaugurated a new program entitled ‘Tweeter Visit’, which aims to open new communication channels with various sectors of society in an efficient way. The program also intends to give individuals the opportunity to visit the Dubai Courts premises and learn more about the judicial system in operation within the Courts, and procedures and services rendered to the litigants.

The new program was launched during a ceremony held in the presence of a number of judges, heads of departments, employees and media representatives. The program is aimed at all those that have tweeted Dubai Courts through its Twitter site, which currently receives around 4,000 followers in total, although this number is anticipated to increase. Dubai Courts is keen to connect with its audience via various traditional and electronic means of communication, especially through its accounts on Twitter, Facebook, as well as other channels, in order to allow people to learn more about its services and lodge their suggestions and feedback.

Dr. Ahmed Saeed Bin Hazeem, in a speech held at the event, stressed the keenness of Dubai Courts to spread its vision and mission among customers and society in general, as well as the importance of raising awareness among community members about its services and procedures.

Bin Hazeem stated: “The Dubai Courts is enthusiastic about opening all possible means of communication to members of the public, in order to make it easier for them to connect with the Courts, and employees of different levels and disciplines within the institution. This is intended to further strengthen the relationship between the Courts and members of the general public and give them a clear perception of the judicial system in the Emirate of Dubai and the abundant services that the Dubai Courts provide to litigants.”

The General Manager of Dubai Courts added: “The Courts plays an important and prominent role in the community, and we must enlighten community members about this judicial role. The main purpose of the Dubai Courts is to boost confidence in the judicial system both locally and internationally. This is achieved through the spreading of justice in society, precision and speed in the settlement and adjudication of claims, and enforcement of judicial judgments, decisions and orders, as well as documentation of contracts and other edited materials. This goal can be achieved by relying on qualified national cadres and modern and sophisticated systems, procedures and techniques.”

According to Ms. Roudha Al-Suwaidi, Head of Public Communication and Social Media Team at Dubai Courts, “The ‘Tweeter Visit’ program will be held monthly. Places on the program will be acquired through communication with the department of public relations and customer service, in order for individuals to reserve a seat to visit the Courts. The program will include a tour inside the Courts’ premises and introduction about the various departments, divisions and services provided to litigants.”

“In addition, a meeting with a judge from Dubai Courts will be included, in order to familiarize the visitors with his profession, its secrets and inside information, and the challenges he faces in his work as a judge. Visitors will also have the chance to meet the General Manager of Dubai Courts, H.E. Dr. Ahmed Saeed Bin Hazeem,” Al-Suwaidi added.

She pointed out that the Courts had launched its accounts on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook because of the importance of opening new channels to communicate with the general public. It is considered important to give the general public and community the opportunity to participate in the dissemination of information published on Dubai Courts’ social pages, and to give its customers access to all its services via these social channels. Dubai Courts is also keen to raise awareness among community members on the laws that are of particular interest to them, and the e-litigation procedures that can save them both time and effort.

Al-Suwaidi continued: “The Gulf region occupies a leading position in the social media sector, as the number of Facebook users in the region has risen from 16 to 45 million in just two years, according to statistics. In addition, Twitter users in the Middle East contribute 5.8 million daily tweets to the social media site, an average of 4,000 Tweets per minute. According to the latest findings of the 2013 Arab Social Media Report produced by the Dubai School of Government’s Governance and Innovation Program, the UAE has maintained its leading position at the level of good engagement of social media networks during the reporting period.”

Dubai courts hosted the active Emirati tweeter Ali Al Naqbi, who was honored for his efforts and support to Dubai courts and for his proposal to launch a programme; “the tweeter visit”.

Ali Al Naqbi commended the response team at Dubai courts, led by the General Director – for their prompt response in implementing the proposed idea which was the result of a desire among many of the tweeters in the UAE community. GCC inhabitants in general also showed interest in learning about legal issues and procedures, and also an interest in visiting Dubai courts to learn about how justice is achieved for people.


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